Here you go a fun scketch based on your brief where you can ask for any changes or make any suggestions. I think that one global brand with just the name of the city would be less confusing and coherent to have an image recognition of the global brand... of course that's just my oppinion ;-) Kind regards,
Claudia, I mentioned in another comment box, that there seems to be too much going on. I like somethig more colorful. I want the monkey to have personality and uniquess, wheter it is an abstract or a realistic monkey. Thanks!
hello and thank you very much for your reply. Here you go a simpler version featuring the same message; the monkeys exploring the city :-) If there's anything else I can do just let me know. I'm at your service till the end of your contest. Kindest regards,
Hi Claudia! Thanks again. I'm sorry that I wasn't clear. I just don't like the concept. :( It is too busy, the monkeys look like ants ;)...I don't like the font... (I feel like Simon Cowell on American Idol! LOL!) I need you to head down a differnt direction entirely, as this is not at all what I am looking for. :( (But, its good...just not want I want! ) I wish I had a place to give you more examples of what I like! Thanks so much for working with me!
Hello and thank you very much for your honest feedback-that is precious for us. here you go 2 more entries completely different but with a fun, simple and trustful monkey face with another kind of typefont and with a layout that would look great in a Tshirt, for example, symbol looking like to convey the community idea. Kindest regards,
Hello! I took a look to your comments and I'm submiting 4 more layouts featuring the trust anddiscover trough the lock and unlocked padlock :-) Plz be so kind to post any comments on my entries page cause that way I'll get a mail notification and in general comments area no... Wish you a great weekend if we don't speak sooner :-) Kindest regards,
Hey Claudia! Thanks for the amazing submissions! I didn't realize you did not get overall feedback. I will continue to update the public comments, but here is the synopsis so far!
A bit of feedback...
#1 and it's sisters are too busy..too much going on, for my eye. I am looking for something perhaps a bit mre sophisticated. The monkeys (just want one monkey) look too much like ants to me. But I would love for you to put up the first version so as to allow my other monkeys here to weigh in!
#2 I think I would like to have the monkey to be either sleek and streamlined, (like the guitar log) or with lots of personality. Of some of your past logos, I like Lamin formis, stinger terminator, el rincon postito, homedog.
#7 is more appealing to me, although I can't give any feedback as to why?
#8 I like the monkey less than #7, but leave it up! The Monkey community here in Atlanta has been weighing in, and they are much smarter than I.
#9 is interesting, but too masculine, two "spidermanish"... But you did the masterful music logo, right? ? Growers secret? Masters select? Captain Sea J's? I like all of them!
#10, 12, and 13. The concept of the world and the key is interesting. albeit "rough around the edges". I like a more refined look. And the monkey face is not to my taste. As for the "Gorilla", he's a bit too masculine, and lifelike, meaning that when I see it, and the name, my assumption is that is has something to do with raising money for the gorillas. The other monkey is not very monkey-like to me, and in fact looks like another animal I saw in New Zealand, I think, but can't remember the name. As far as monkey types go, I do prefer interpretations of the chimp version of a monkey better than most of the other types of monkeys, as they seem to have more curiousity, look friendlier, etc. That being said, I still want to stay with an "interpretation" rather than a real life depiction. Thanks again for your good work!
#20-#24- Thanks so much for the first entries. I just can fall in love with your monkey, the colors, or what they are doing, how they are doing it? I'd love to see more of your talent. Let's try something a little bit different. :)
Aww...#25! You've moved to first! Nice job! Buuuuuut... It looks like the monkey is holding on for dear life rather than directing us where to go! What can we do about that? :)
For all, I am wondering what a logo would look like if a personable monkey is sort of wrapped around the globe abstractly, putting a key in the hole, or holding the globe lovingly, or riding a bke with globes as the wheels, or standing on top of the world, juggling differnt "events", . Then it would be really easy to adapt per city, by putting a push pin in the area of the world (where the city would roughly be) with the text reflecting each particular city...Monkeying around Atlanta, for example below. That symbol without a push pin could be the Monkey Trust? Just monkeying around with some ideas... :)
Thanks, all for your awesome effforts! Great initial tries! I commend you for jumping out there and submitting first! This feels a bit like Psychic Charades. I am to get you to guess my thoughts...and I don't know what my thoughts really are! Uggh! Sorry!
Dear Michelle, I'm so sorry I didn't understood what do you want me to repost?! Plz explain me your wishes and I'll try to perform them :-) Kindest regards,