The ManParkLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / The ManPark
The ManPark has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 122 designs
from 31 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Building Bonds, Nurturing Connections
What We Do
Welcome to The Manpark, your ultimate destination for young men's wellness and mental health. Our website,, is more than just a community-based member site; it's a passionate movement that invites young men ages 12-26 to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Male connectivity and connection is our top priority.
Color Preferences
forest green, lavender and black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
we would like for you to make a professional version of the sketch of we made for the Manpark logo. We are very open to you improving upon the concept, which is effectively three men within the framework of a tree, obviously representing community connection and the Man park community concept. the bodies of the three men merge to form the base of the tree trunk. Their arms are intertwined to form the green leafy part of the top of the tree. The Manpark logo colors should be forest green and lavender. Of course, black and white can be used as well or used primarily, if most effective. We are most interested in the creativity and simplicity and what you come up with as our logo. Thank you so very much. We intend for this to be a national community and platform and hope very much that your logo will be very visible.