The Maniecki Pro TeamLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Maniecki Pro Team

The Maniecki Pro Team has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 99 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.
















Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
I grew up In Tampa Bay area....Good to see a familiar region represented here at LT.
Feel free to review my submissions and offer any feedback that may helpful.

This idea is one icon that incorporates a home, condo and water in one image. (#2)

14 years ago
Thank you. Your design looks great! What fonts did you use? The only thing I would have liked, emphasize the PRO TEAM
14 years ago
I like the logo can we try and make the logo a bit larger relative to the words.
No crazy about the waves(can we try something different) maybe different style of waves
I like the font but would like to see it bolder/thicker.
Also can you try make RESULTS and PRO in Red
14 years ago
Can you try stacking your words like in #5. I like the BIgger M in Maniecki. Put THE above ANIECKI.
Stack PRO TEAM under Maniecki and also to the right(like #5) to see how it would look.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry for the tardiness at the changes you requested. I have a large project that is eating every minute. I will try and upload the changes and some new ideas this evening. Thanks so much for the helpful feedback.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
I am sorry for my tardiness in adding entries...To many irons in the fire some days.
I read your comment about doing away with the high rise condo feel.
Here is a more residential home concept...

(This comment references Entry #23)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Waves and Realtor sign.....

(This comment references Entry #24)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The cutouts at the bottom of the icon represent waves, but also remind one of all the awnings on the bayfront....(sidewalk cafes in St Pete..etc..)

(This comment references Entry #26)
14 years ago
Thanks for the options. Can we try doing a luxury M. See main comments of the main page for view. Love you fonts. I'm just struggling with the LOGO part of all the designs. I'm looking for somethign that is going to last the test of time and very critical to out team image in the logn run.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is an idea using the "M" Lettermark....

(This comment references Entry #36)
14 years ago
Yes, this is much more like it. Can we use the wording from #37 but prefer the logo from #36. Also can we make the laces on the football a little more pronounced.

With the M logo can we make it look more like this Keller williams logo(colors and shadows) If you can't see it I can email you the actual pictures.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go...all changes as requested.

I think this one captures what you are trying to convey.
Keep the feedback coming...It is the key for getting what you need.

Thanks again,

(This comment references Entry #42)
14 years ago
I think we getting very close to getting everything. Love #42 and #43.
A few variations I would love to see are.
#42 and #43 with the the Red/grey color split in #38 (keep) It makes it looke almost like a JM(my initials)
Also can we remove the Reflections from #43
Ther appears to be a white line going through #42(not sure it intantial but if I saw it on paper I would think it was a printer issue(remove the white line)
And that should do it.
14 years ago
Can we increase the font on the Tag line "if you want results" so it's a little easier to read.
can we also make the white letters in #43 the same brightness. "if you want" and "Consult the" as bright as the white letters in "the maniecki pro team"
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you requested. #66 and #67

Just curious, Are the Bucs colors a coincidence? I grew up a Bucs fan, later (In my teens) I became a Dolphins fan. My dad is a die hard Bucs fan since day one... (I had to be the rebel My loyalties are still strong for the other teams in the area... I still am A Rays, Lightning, and Magic fan). Anyways, my point being that coincidence or not, the colors already have a nice following in the Bay area and it is a good marketing strategy to use colors that connect with the area. So this color scheme should perform well.

Let me know if I can do anything else. I will be in a meeting most of the afternoon, but can make changes this evening.

Thanks again,
14 years ago
The colors are a GREAT coincidence but I agree with you on the colors.
I love your design and I appreciate you hard work with all the revisions.
It was definately a growing,evolving process! THe funny thing is that you had the 1st submission in and it was a favorite for the most part until we got to the letters.

#66 #67 are what we want. We do both black and white so they look great.
One (hopefully FINAL )change request. #65 has the solgan in a slanted cursive font and we like that look.
Can we do that?
I left you VM so if you can call me tonight we can discuss the buc's and some other opertunities!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Jason - I am mobile right now, but will contact you tonight or in the AM...Thanks.
14 years ago
Just had some last minute submissions that are very good, Particularly #87 but I feel the guy took all your hard work and improved on it. That's good for me but I don't feel that's fair to you. Long story short I want you to win this because I feel you've done the hard work of shaping this for us. But since he has improved on your work I would like you to incorporate it into our final design.

Here is the wish list of changes
Can you make the LOGO part bigger (10-15%)
Move "the maniecki pro Team Under the LOGO.
Can we try a Circle like in #87
Do the red/white underline under PRO
For the final I would like a Black background and and White Background version(like you did with the Square logo's)
Still not sure if I want the square look or the Circle look! I like both and will go sleap on it.
Talk to you on Tursday.
Got a busy mornign but will be available after 3pm FL time to talk.

14 years ago
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