The Loudon House CondominiumsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Loudon House Condominiums

The Loudon House Condominiums has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 492 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.








































































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I love that you gave me fresh idea!

I like the clean lines.

Can we try stretching out the condominiums a bit? (the word) Just want to see how it looks. Seems a little top heavy.

A bit bolder colors, too? It's the older people we need to please and those colors looks young. Maybe just deeper versions but not your typical hunter green. Yuck. :)
11 years ago
As we near the end of the contest, please keep in mind I am only ranking these according to MY taste. I will then need the vote of four others in my company to make the final decision - so my 1st choice may not end up being theirs. So please keep submitting unique designs.

Thank you so much for your hard work!

11 years ago
Loudon House is spelled wrong. :)

And can we try it without the tree?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
So sorry re the spelling. (I was working at about 2 in the morning here: probably later than i should have for accuracy's sake---but, i admit that is not really a good excuse!)

Will definitely try to put in some new designs today.

And thank you re: feedback and direction. Both are always helpful.
11 years ago
#159 - but with a brownish gold color - like on the website template -

And can you try it with the darker Blue from our logo -

Thank you!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
not sure which parts you want the brownish gold and/or the blue. The whole thing is shades and tints of, or just the parts that are currently colored green? Does the gray roof go away?
thanks for your direction.
11 years ago
Blue is the winning color.

Please try
169 - Condominiums in blue


165 with hints of windows so it doesn't crowd the wording

Thank you
11 years ago
The windows are starting to look like a sanitarium to me.

I think I have been looking at these too long. LOL
11 years ago
Or a Sanatorium.... :)
11 years ago
I put your two designs below #5 because I need to keep 5 different designers and I am not sure which one we would like better.
11 years ago
I like these windows better.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, me too. Trying to find the right balance of giving at least an idea of the two stories, etc. without going into too much detail.
11 years ago

I think it needs to pop a bit more, too. The blue is helping.

Thank you for all of your hard work!
11 years ago
The dark line across the middle now makes the L look like a K to me.

Didn't see it the first time.

Any way to make the building a bit darker?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
let me know if any of the ones i just loaded work any better?
11 years ago
I like the L in 207

Can we see that L in 240?

11 years ago
Also...with the lighter coloring. I think the darker rood is too heavy now.

I am just afraid the whole logo will disappear. Hard to find that balance.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
So i brought the color of the roof about halfway between the two. And supplied some other S's as well as putting the one from 207 into 240. (Also, in 240, i am not sure that the H line shows that it is made up of tiny parallel lines (sort of a wide dash, in the center of the H while the thinner side lines on either side of the "h" form indicating the second floors are just plain lines). Don't know if this makes a whole lot of difference, but can make that line solid or make the fact that it is sort of dashed, more apparent if you would like.)

Let me know if you would like me to change the roof more or try other combos or......

Thanks :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
PS: if there are any of the L's that you would like but with a minor modification of form or wider or taller, etc. let me know and i can try adjusting to what you would like. The one that was just put from 207 into 240 was actually a slightly modified form.

11 years ago
My boss finally figured out what was bugging him about the old drawing. The roof line reminded him of "Harmony Mills" in Cohoes, NY. (Google it). So I would stay away from that look.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
okay, i googled it and it has some dormers that stretch across the top floor on the top floor but almost has a bridge like higher double tower like cupolas in the center of their roof line, along with another slightly lower tower, which totally differentiates it from yours re: roofline, so am a little confused. The drawing we have of Loudon House has no cupolas and only 7 dormers (theirs are rounded, yours more pointed) along the roof. Am happy to keep away from something that doesn't work for them. But is it the seven dormers? And, if so, can your client pinpoint some features of architecture that is significant to him/her and/or is/are unique that would be good to focus on? (the detail on these drawings are pretty low res, so hard to pinpoint very much detail. And since the gray roof was specifically featured in the brief, that is one of the reasons i tried to keep that detail in there/specificallly tying it to the number of front dormer windows..... I know you have gotten some already with very detailed renditions. So, it would be great if there is some feature re: this building however small a detail that might be that really represents the type of living/style/etc. that the customer of these condo's will get. Thanks for the feedback and direction. Always good. (and sometimes the stuff one doesn't like is actually is as helpful or more than the stuff they do, since it saves time honing in on a direction.

Thanks again. (sorry i was so wordy there) I hope i made sense.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
ps: even an architectural or decorative detail inside could be the thing that might represent
11 years ago
I pulled yours out of the ranking because we have not found what we want. I am not going to rank right away for the new ideas - but will give feedback individually because I feel people are getting too swayed in one direction and not allowing for new ideas to flow.

Please see my last public comments if you are interested in continuing. I have increased the prize by $200. to $575.

Thank you for all of your hard work. I truly appreciate it!!

11 years ago
Logo Designer
just a note that if you like any of them with the crown, i will refine it's form, etc. more.
11 years ago
I think it's too much bird.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
i was just thinking that since the main focus of the loudoun crest is a phoenix, rising from the flames it might be a good look. But, guess not. Oh well.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
319 is one where i have combined a couple of elements from the loudon coat of arms (I found another example where the bird is holding two keys and i thought the key would be a suitable element for the owner of a fine home (lord of the castle type of thing :-)
along with a crown similar to the one in the first coat of arms shown.

other coat of arms in case you want to verify.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
ps: please don't list that link in the public area. If other designers want it as a resource, since it wasn't given as part of the original brief, they should find their own resources. (Not that i know yet whether i got any ideas from it that are going to work for you, but just a general premise we use.) thanks :-)
11 years ago
Sorry - I didn't realize you had commented. It was a big crazy around here. Had to take my father to the hospital so I apologize for the delay in responding.

The key could be a nice touch. I don't like 'shading' in the sheet. Bolder the better. And I do not like black with red as much as red with black. Black can't be the dominant color in the logo in the symbol.

The key is an interesting touch.

I do like the little black design in the original coat of arms. (Campbell's) can we play around with that?

I know what we are looking for is there somewhere in the history. I can feel it. We are Just not there, yet with the design. Just think snooty country-club! :)

Thank you!!

11 years ago
Sorry - I didn't realize you had commented. It was a big crazy around here. Had to take my father to the hospital so I apologize for the delay in responding.

The key could be a nice touch. I don't like 'shading' in the sheet. Bolder the better. And I do not like black with red as much as red with black. Black can't be the dominant color in the logo in the symbol.

The key is an interesting touch.

I do like the little black design in the original coat of arms. (Campbell's) can we play around with that?

I know what we are looking for is there somewhere in the history. I can feel it. We are Just not there, yet with the design. Just think snooty country-club! :)

Thank you!!

11 years ago
Btw - #320 and 321 are the ones I like the best of your latest designs.

11 years ago
Btw - I agree that designers should do some research themselves. For their own sake! So much inspiration out there at your fingertips!

The Link you gave me - brings up the Loudon Crest of Scotland. I like those colors and the swirly leaves. How about trying variations of that?

I don't care where the design ends up coming from - as long as it's good. :)

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope everything turned out okay.

Will play with that symbol tomorrow, and some of the things you said you liked in the link, as well as maybe flipping some colors, etc. . (i'm heading to bed now---i'm on pacific coast time so it's 3 am here. Been a bit of an insomniac lately.....) Thanks again for the feedback and direction: again, always good to have.

11 years ago
I like your crisper designs better. I think if it's shaded, it looks more like a car emblem.

The green and blue is a nice option. forget the shadow on all.

333 - like the key

336, 337 - like the outline of shield on both but the tartan on The shield makes it look too prep school. I love tartan and specifically that tartan but I think it has to be used more subtlety if it's used.

319 - how about blue and gold? I don't like the grey.

Can we change the shape of your shield? Make it more squared off?

Thank you!!

11 years ago
Regarding the crown - How about George Washington's crown on his coat of arms? (see last public post).

11 years ago
Would you please try using the Ermine symbol that is on the crest in your design? (the little black thing)

319 - in place of the crown and key
but using the blue and/or gold colors?

11 years ago
And in 340 also.

11 years ago
and I prefer the font in 336 of all the shield ones.
11 years ago
I removed you and the others from the ranking because once again the Pied Piper effect (as I call it) is happening. I suddenly had a flock of birds because I slid your logo into the #1 spot.

So I will stick to individually commenting until the entry portion is over.

Thank you for your entries!! Please keep them coming.

I actually just wrote to logotournament to suggest a way to individually rank logos per designer in the first stage so this may not happen.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
i was actually sort of hesitant to put up the one with the tartan. I think it could be problematic in regards to printing and smaller sizes, etc. (so sort of glad you didn't like that one :-)

Actually ranking does influence the designers but in a way it gives feedback and lets people know what you do tend to like and what you don't. If you have a contest holder that gives consistent and regular feedback that is less important, but some CH's don't comment at all or very little. You, however, are an engaged CH, which is the best kind.

RE: shading. do you want totally flat color--no gradients etc? No dimension? Some shadowing on the text sometimes makes it stand out better from the background (i am not talking full blown 3D effect, but some simple light shadowning) but if you don't want any of that I will go ahead and stick to flat color.

Thanks again for the feedback and direction. Hope your dad is doing well today.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
ps. i tried squaring up the shield, but on ones where the banner crosses it with the condominums name it doesn't seem to work because without the tail of the crest going below and giving it some balance.... However, I did slightly square entry 357, which worked nicely. On any crest that i put in that doesn't have a banner going across the bottom portion, i would be able to square the banner more.
11 years ago
351, 352 - I like those the best of that style logo. Better crown. Blue Fonts with the gold look nice. Love that font.

The shields - I think The name doesn't stand out enough. Shield is just too overpowering. The symbol should be smaller than the name, I think.

I love that little Ermine Fur Symbol for some reason - but as my husband said, it looks like a little wizard creature or something. Darn!!

I just think it's so unique. Wish we could use it somehow.

thanks again for all of your hard work.

And my father is dong well, thank you!

11 years ago
Ok...You are in second place with the other top 3 guys jockeying for 1st with the office votes.

Comments made:
Blue and Gold better than red and gold.
We need "The" added
The shield makes the logo off balance. So how about we get rid of the key so the shield can be brought down a bit.
Oh, and it's really between 370 and 352 as far as designs go. Important part is that you know what we like and don't like.

One guy really likes the colors of the logo that looks like the Cadillac logo. What do you think about trying those colors? They are closer to Campbell's shield colors, I suppose. But it can't be drab. :)

This is exhausting! I don't know how you do it.

11 years ago
The big boss liked your font - (like I did) but not the key. Can we work on the shield? Less crown? Seems like the crown is too big for it.

Some scrolling? It's that balance.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I will work on the crown, maybe a couple of different shapes and a couple of other directions i am considering as well, probably won't have much up right away. With that font, I don't know how much scrolling i can get away with and still keep some balance. But will try some and see what happens. Sometimes what comes together in the end can surprise me.

I am curious, the new number one also has some cadillac elements to it as well as the coloring (laurel branches) harkening back more toward the original architectural feel, and softer blues, grays, greens is that something we should maybe reconsidering as contestants. (I don't think i am going to try toincorporate the whole group of cadillac colors in my shield.)

Maybe try some more back to something like my 267 with flatter, a little more intense color and a more conventional H? Maybe using some scrolling instead of the straight lines.

I am trying to find the right balance between clean simplicity and too much detail, clean lines and ribbons and curls. In the end again, i guess it is balance, but if i were to "error by going more toward one or the other" should it clean lines vs. detail, or simplicity versus "grandness" or the other way around.

(Might not get anything new up right away, but would appreciate staying in at least the top 5 to be able to work on some things.)
11 years ago
I will keep you in there. SOmeone contacted me last minute to add some more logos - that's why there are 6 now. I don't have much hope for the new ones, though.

Yes, it is a very difficult balance between regal and modern and country club.

That's why I say they are inspirations not necessities.

Perhaps using more modern colors with more regal symbols can bring down the regalness? Is that a word? My computer is underlining it. LOL

I am sure you will find some new looks.

At least you will have a HUGE portfolio, now. :)
11 years ago
I think 399 works the best so far. I don't like the little wings. Looks like a creature. :)

I feel I can be honest with you at this point in our relationship. LOL!

Thank you again!!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Please do be honest. Knowing what someone doesn't like is almost more valuable than knowing what someone does. It saves a lot of time guessing and lets your mind at least try something else! :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
ps: that was also just a quick stab before i let things lie a bit before i got started again, it was sort of a quick stab to see if colors or some ribbon stuff was going to work with that format. :-)

I am going to let my mind escape from this one for a couple hours before i start playing in earnest again.

PS: please let me know anything else that you find you are less than fond of in general or specifics (or something you know one of your colleagues would detest :-) or is not fond of (as in the key---knowing that someone doesn't like the key releases me from a symbol i sort of liked---but if it doesn't work for someone, it's better to know it as early as possible.) thanks again for all your help.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
i didn't have much time to work on it tonight, so will try to spend some time on it during Wednesday day.(get some curls going and maybe change some font placement and colors, etc.

11 years ago
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