We like the 1's and 0's in entry #53. We are not fans of the fonts, the font colors, or the gradient fill. We are much bigger fans of logo treatments like #40.
Interestingly, we are The Liberty Lab is the new name for a company called Sarphi, Inc. (http://www.sarphi.com). The interior graphic of entry #31 reminds us of our current logo.
Hello. Yes my idea looks like your current logo! Intresting! Of course mine got a modern look and if you want to have a connection the new with the current logo, I think #31 is a good start! I will do the variation (fonts, colors) on Monday morning, first think when i get to my office. Thanks for feedback. Alexander
Hello again! Thank you very much for the great ranking. I wanted to say that if you want any variations to make on my designs (colors, fonts,etc.), please let me know. Thanks Alexander