Demins, you are right. I don't like cliche. Thanks for sticking to your principles. You have put some of the most original work into this contest. I'm wondering if you can soften the concept a bit. it feels a little hard to me. I want to convey warmth and approachability.
As I understand it, you are still looking for a bit more 'symbolism' in your logo. And may be you have a little bit of cold feet. :-)
It would be very helpfull if you could explain more elaborate what your thought are regarding the use of the 'tree of knowledge'. I'm familiar with the meaning: the tree holds the secret, or the truth, about good and evil. It is an appletree. Eve should not have eaten from it. I'm afraid I don't know how to connect that to tour law office.
So far I can only offer you this design. It is not entirely worked through. Notice that the tree actually is a little hand.
The way the tree connects is that law can be about good and bad. It is definitely about the knowledge that I have that I bring to my clients. The apple represents the opportunity for my clients to gain and benefit from that knowledge. Does that help?
I like the clean look that your designs have. I'd like the tree to be a bit more full. It looks a little sparse with just five leaves, like there's not so much knowledge :)
Demins, I'm wondering if you can take the tree that you have, make it more symmetrical so that the branches are evenly spaced? And can we make this in a more horizontal design?
Another question is are you interested in doing the letterhead, envelope, business card and website banner after the contest?
I have been working on your logo and the tree approach. Your additional comment was thereby useful.
I paraphrased it as: "We have a lot of knowledge, expertise and know-how (and we know how to use it! :)). Clients can benefit from this knowledge. They can reap the rewards/fruits from our 'tree of knowledge'."
I don't want to refer too much to the more moral knowledge of the biblical 'Tree of Knowledge'.
I thought we could abstrahize the tree. You can see (most of) the proces in my new series of logo's. Remember, they are schetches and each one could benefit from some or more refinement.
If you dislike the direction things are going, please stop me now. :) Let's not forget we have a very good candidate already and we are just competing with ourselves to see if we can come up with somthing even better... :)
I will do some work on your last suggestions too.
Of course I would be happy to do your letterhead etc. as well! Thank you.
Demins, thank you for your good work. Believe me you aren't competing with yourself. In general I like your style the best. But we need to get a little closer. I just took your advice to put the artist that I liked the best in the #1 spot so that we could work a little further.
There are two concepts you have that I like. I still like the tree with the one red leaf, but I would either add a few more leave - maybe total of 7 and make the tree very symmetrical.
The second is #292 where the dot of the J is the apple from the tree. I'm not sure the squaure shape of the tree works for me.
I'm glad to hear that you will be interested in the other design work.