These are nice designs. The figures bear a bit of resemblance to the old I.R.S. Records logo, but not too much. The hat is a nice touch. We liked #26 best, but #27, with the silhouette figures, is a close 2nd. We also liked #25 with the multiple-source backlit shadows. A different font style, and maybe only one or two font colors, might improve the overall effect.
Number 25 is really cool. The closer you get to MAD MEN look the better. entry 26 is my fav, but there is something to nice about it. Maybe the blue line is the wrong color? 25 is meaner. love those shadows. thanks for your hard work. Killian
Don't be afraid to get a bit dangerous with it. I want the colors to be a bit more tragic and dark. Also, the "loved ...and won" font could be more romantic - not cheesy romantic but classic and classy. We are the dark side of romance after all.
Coolio no 1 and 2! concrats. How about adding a more dangerous color? Also would love to see one with our name half the size or more! alittle more arty less in your face with the big font. thanks Killian
65 is great. love the world under our feet. the font on it's better to have.... is to clowny hard to read Last men . could be low res. I like the flare. 61 I love the font would like to see that one with the guys standing on the world, not so close to each other. 60 i didn't like as much. but now it's growing on me. we mite be getting to far away from a logo. drifting into t-shirt design. The black square is starting to worry me. our logo is a black square with images inside? maybe give us some with out that black square. 59 is also really good. it's the square now that would be hard to work with. any ideas?