Thanks for the ranking, I just now realized that it should read TEAM Kelley Girls and NOT "The" Kelley Girls, I will change that asap. Sorry about that!
I like the font and the block colors. I also really like the incorporation of walking towards a cure. I can not use the website link. When I said link I meant connection but you have that with the slogan.
I really like the latest design. Thanks for all your entries! I am a little disappointed in the lack of designers. Could you have the slogan read Supporting a cure for MS with MS in orange? Also I am going to upload a photo of my sisters and I, and if you can make the hair match better on the girls that would be fantastic! Love this!
Sure thing, I will work on revisions when I get back to my design computer later on tonight. For some reason a lot of designers like to wait until the final hours to enter designs, I think that they think it gives them some sort of advantage (I disagree) Thanks for the feedback, Don
So I can't figure out how to upload a photo but If the girl on the right could have short hair, the girl in the middle shoulder length and the girl on the left have longer hair and no jewlery that would be great. Thanks for your help!
#21 & #22 Here are a couple of revised designs, on #22 I changed the font for 'team' & 'Girls' to a more playful font. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, Don
Did you want to replace the "walking towards a cure" with "Striving for a cure for MS"? I'm just wondering how the orange MS will show in the green background...
Love #23. #28 is a nice idea but the text seems to be hanging in space. Would a circle around team like in #28 be better for #23? Really love this! Thanks!
OK. I do like the first design but it is still hard to read even with the white lettering around MS and now I am afraid that the slogan has become too small because it is too long. Please bear with me. Could we step back for a minute and try #13 with "Let's stamp out MS" and the girls up top, with Team to the left? With MS still in orange? MAybe the girls in grey like the lettering? I do still like the first ranked design but keep going back to #13 because I like the dual edged coloring and it seems cleaner somehow. I really appreciate all the work that you have been doing! Thanks!
Awesome! Love it! Could you give me a color combo with the girls black and the writing green like in sample #28 with the white writing outlined in black? And then one with the writing black and the girls and the outline black? I like the grey, just trying to see which looks best. I really appreciate all your hard work!! Thank you!!
Well way to throw more things into the mix. Like #43 and really like the text on the bottom. Just think that the girls are too crowded on the Kelley. Hmmm.
Thank you for all of your hard work and for working with me from the beginning of the contest. I really appreciate it! I would like to be able to message you after the contest. Thanks.