Hi grafismo. Thanks for the post. I like the simplicity of your smoke trailing off. I don't like the "basket"beneath the juniper, so we'd need to eliminate that an have it on the ground. Another item is the juniper itself, perhaps you could rework this with just a couple sprigs, or sticks of juniper. Right now it looks too much like a pile of grass burning. I like the superscripting of the small 'The' and small 'Fund' in #46... BUT don't want 'The' in over the green, and also we need a more "casual" or "fun" font, not so coporate like #44, #46. #45 font is too curly cued. I did like some of the more casual or fun fonts in the contest.
grafismo. we liked your last submission, and ranked it in top 3 designers. I can't figure out if I can keep getting submissions from you if you're not ranked first in this judging phase(?). anyway, I need to get my co-founder on board with me today or tomorrow through this phase. we are liking this #77 quite a bit. we'd like to see it much less distressed and see how that looks as comparison. let me know your thoughts, and if you're able to submit new versions still. best, Juniper Fund
Hi Juniper Fund! thanks for your comments. There is not problem to lower up a bit more the distressed effect on overall design. Just would need to change transparency or remove some few "artifacts" layer. Because LT rules only allow from now to 1st ranked designer submit entries temporary you always can rank 1st to an designer allow him / her uploading and then back to whatever rank you would consider it. That procedure it's allowed by LT. Just let me now or send me a message (PM) to know if I would have available the chance to upload a last proposal. I'm GMT +1. Best.
Hi there. Let's go ahead and do some options on the amount of distressed effect on the design. if you could give some examples and options on that between the blue, grey and juniper, that could change our direction a bit. once you get some examples uploaded I'm going to get in our other members to finish up over next few days. many thanks.
hi grafismo. I think we want to see this much more saturated in color. not so faded. I think if you could give an example of this same logo with full saturation and no distressing, then an option where there might be a tiny bit of distressing, with more saturation. I think at that point we'd be able to commit to you, or the other, and then do one more revision and done likely. Thanks so much. look forward to seeing it.