Hi thank you! based on what we have done...at this point we inclined on just a wordmark with no logo.. We really like Fedex and Dell logos... strong letters with some kind of movement Can you help? NO blue please..Thank you!
liked your ideas.. for#89 I loved the line and then the Group real estate..but dont like the Jimenez.. Liked the usage of the E fro 87 and 84. can you do a combination with brown please?
Entry #197 biggest update Entry #196 the directions change point of view by left to right and hopefully jimenez more importance and also bigger group real estate. thank you.
The new ones you did, jimenez looks big. Jimenez should be not bigger than the line.
Love the letter and spaces on #89 (group real estate) ... Lets just work on Jimenez. Just capitals and just Black with grey... Could be the letter of #249 might work for jimenez
Waiting for the square type design with letter #89... Grey and black or black only
Thank you!! Last but not least can you do 257 with the jimenez less strong.. Less bold.. Another sample with jimenez less strong and removing inc. We should be done... We love your designs.
#269 I think it is the one... But we like it also with the black background.. Can we get the same with white and black background?? I don't know what the rules are...
Entry #270 update Can we get the same with white and black background? yes, you can get white and black background after you chose the winner, but an other one design can be send by email.
Private arrangements with Contest Holders are unacceptable. (Example: offering additional free services during the contest if they select your logo) It is fine for a winning Designer to offer additional services after the contest is over.