What We Do
we sell systems and tools for real estate agents to use to help integrate and streamline their business. examples of what they buy: presentations, buyer and seller books/tools, we provide tutorials/how tos on integrating into social media, apps, etc
Color Preferences
I'm good with most colors; once I see a logo if I want a color change that's easy. I'd like to avoid a red/black combination. I like teal, oranges, whites, blues, black, and grey
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Some sort of an image integrated with the logo text would be nice; nothing submitted so far has had the WOW factor. While this is a real estate business, houses are a little overkill in the industry with logos; so I'd likely prefer not to have a house in the design. I'm selling digital products and online solutions to agents; so something that integrates these ideas in the design. Things I'll be doing with my business: webinars, blogs, vlogs, Facebook Live, offering digital solutions such as Google Drive files, online .pdfs, online training, etc - cloud based solutions for realtors