I love the man/symbol!!!! but teh text is a little boring. Please use a more interesting dynamic font. Please see the best fonts at present: 139 and 156.
The colour taking up half the words is a bit much aswell
Please try in orange and bright green only, not blue
I submit 2 improvement of my design, in orange and bright green, seems to me, orange has a stronger appeal, I use the color in "I" word only this time, too make it more profesional looks and keep the overal balance.
Please be patient too see my design, cause it needs the admin approval, Happy to hear more from you
It will be accessible after admin approved my design, Logo Tournament has rule for new joined designer, to pass 20 submited design, to be accepted designer.
But before that, the design will have to wait for admin approval, and after the design approved, it will be available to access and showed at contest page.
Please be patient, It seems to me that the admin do twice approval a day, not sure the time though.
Thanks for your red-design - looking good Please can you make teh logo more congruent = the white line through the I is curved but the white line through the SP is straight. Can you try removing the white line from the person so I can see what it looks like. Can you try with the tail of teh S in use in no 156
Hi, I submit 4 alternative design to meet your criteria,
All the persons white line is removed, but I still keep the line (spacing) between body and the back (left) hand, and keep the upper and lower body different curved waist to make a good body impression.
The shade (white) line across "A S & P"; I make 1 alternative curved shade at #166, a waving curve (I use oval curve before). But after a few look, I feel, the shade is a little bit overused, so I decide to make a cleaner look at #165 and add glass like upper at #167, so you can decide which is better.
I make tail to the S at # 172 as my final design (clean, dynamic) and the S head now congruent and in line with the spacing and P angle, and yeah this one look better.
So: #165 very clean looks, no shade #166 curved white shade #167 clean looks, glass like at top words (compare with #165) #172 added tail S
Sure, you can make point of change you want, and if you like to combine from the design I have submit, you can point it out too, for example, - S tail like #172 - highlight like #166
Can you do a thickness of the 'I' inbetween no 160 and 162 Can you try 2 versions, one in the slightly slanted italics you have already and one straight with no angle. Can you change the orange to a brighter/lighter orange Can you put the highlight the starting form the top left of the i and so that it follows the curve on the I (at the moment it flattens out) - Please also do one with no shadow Have you got any other ideas for showing the text: INSTITUTE.... at the moment it seems very long and out of place.
Can you put the highlight the starting form the top left of the i and so that it follows the curve on the I (at the moment it flattens out) - Please also do one with no shadow - Do you want the curve like #120, (the orange change with highlight)?
Have you got any other ideas for showing the text: INSTITUTE.... at the moment it seems very long and out of place.
#182 Thickness + slightly slanted italics (compared with #162) + highlight #183 Straight with no angle (the "I" looks a little falling to left, although this 100% straight) #184 No highlight #185 Circle logo type #186 Lower Intense of highlight (almost transparent)
195 & 194: Please can you try with the of on teh top line: THE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SPORTS PERFORMANCE
192: please make the angles of the forward slant in the SP the same angle as the other slants (white lines/gaps) in the logo - Make them all the same angle.
190 and 189 can you do the words all the same size - I dont really want the emphasis on 'the institute' if anything the emphasis should be on 'applied sports performance'. Please make them the same size and boldness.
I adjust my design for: Point 1: #197 & #200 : Bigger font top + longer words spacing, regular/ smaller font bottom #198 : Same spacing, same size (for comparison)
Point 2: #202 : angle the SP now as same as angle of inner/ middle A, and same as mirror angle of AS
Point 3: #203 : all same size and word spacing (thin font) #204 : all bold font + "OF" at top
Please can you provide me with versions 202, 197 and 204 in psd or eps. Please alos let me know the font f the text so I can use it on the website etc.
Thank you for all your work! I hope to work with you again!
I will prepare the eps file, do you need a specific version of eps file?
For the font, I use Franklin Gothic family, at web you can use: font-family: "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Franklin Gothic", "ITC Franklin Gothic", Arial, sans-serif;
If you notice, number #204 and #203 have different "OF" position, currently I will provide as you requested, just let me know if you want both "OF" position on top
Ok, I uploaded .eps file (cs4 version), contain 6 artboard (best view in illustrator cs4 and above), all without background, so you can easily change background color.