The HiveLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Hive
The Hive has selected their winning logo design.
For $775 they received 1172 designs
from 92 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are building the world's greatest esports venue platform, complete with retail locations where gamers can play, learn to become professional gamers and have an app that allows them to travel anywhere a Hive location is an enter the facility. It's going to be amazing. Imagine Disneyland meets Esports. Here is something in line with our vision:
Color Preferences
Black, grey, white, dark blue, blue, light blue
Imagine Tron.
Imagine Tron.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
This logo will be featured on the front of retail stores all over the world. It'll have an App and need an icon based image for the app on a phone. T-shirts similar to the Futbol (soccer) pro teams will feature the Hive logo.
The one we are using on this first draft presentation was taken off the internet and is in line with the look and feel we are looking for.
The one we are using on this first draft presentation was taken off the internet and is in line with the look and feel we are looking for.