Hi, a pleasure to greet you, and is happy to be participating in your contest. Here I uploaded my design alternatives for your logo #5 #6 Hope you like.
If you have any requirement, please feel free to let me know. It will be a pleasure to work for you.
Feedback from the client - they're asking for the 'man' in the shield to be holding a barbell (instead of arms extended/lines going down on either side). Is that doable? Anyway to make the text more unique (combine the last A and R or do something different with both A's?
Anyway to add some color (silver highlights) and maybe change the lines next to 'THE' to angled wings or slightly angled bars (wider near 'the' and thinner towards the edges)?
Wondering if part of the barbell could be highlighted slightly also.
Looking good Daniel. Almost there. I like the angled lines on either side of "THE" much better (newer version). If we can drop the lines around the weights (back to original silhouette/#45) and keep the thin silver/white outline of the letters (only), I think we'll be set! Would you mind trying that?
#71 or #72 but without the blue lines at the bottom of the weights (so it doesn't show below the A's) and with the silhouette continued throughout the letters. Basically same as #45 But add silver around the letters and use the angled bars on either side of the "The."
I was hoping to have #74 with the lines for the bar as silhouettes/not connected through the letters (like #45). Keep all other aspects except drop the bar connected between the letters. Does that make sense?
I'm happy to pick 77 as the winner. I'll need EPS and PNG files (clear/transparent background on both). I was also hoping for a version in white letters (same grey outline and clear background in PNG). Would that be ok with you?
There was a billing snafu but it seems to be good now. I've downloaded the jpg but need the eps and png (clear/transparent background) for the blue file (main) and white text file (alternate). Would you mind emailing those? Thanks again!