A modernized icon of the fit human form within a 'ying-yang' for the balance message. Using the orange theme requested and a stylized font. Feedback and rankings appreciated.
#1 can you make the design with the logo (Welcome the Balance) so I can see how that looks? Maybe change the lettering a little. I am not crazy about the G. Thanks
Per your request - one way would be to make the logo more centered on the icon and put the name above and slogan below - one typestyle more block format
Per your request showing another option to have the icon to the left and a different more stylized font. The slogan can either be curved under the icon or straight under the words. Thank you for feedback and ranking of my entries.
Per your request - there can be multiple versions of the logo for different applications with different proportions on the same elements. A one color version will also be developed for the final design. Thanks for the ratings and feedback.
to show how the image would translate to black and white which is needed for some applications like etching on glass or when photocopied in black on white. Thanks.
#37 Thanks! Can you make top of the ying yang black with the person white and the bottom white with the person black? Just curious what that would look like?
to show you the icon alone in the black & white configuration you requested. Thanks and if you want any other versions please let me know. Carol - Business Builders.
The font I used is on my work computer so I can do this with a different font now but if you prefer the other font we can change it back next week when I can go to the office and get it for you.
Thank you for the top ranking on this. I would be happy to provide various versions of this logo for your use. Please advise which versions and positionings you would like.
I hope the logo works well for you and I am happy to help with any of your other logo related materials.
Yes I am happy to change the font - Please be very specific what you want - the font from a different entry? A specific font you know and want? A more bold font, a more decorative font, a serif style font?
We can make minor changes to the logo after the contest ends - and I am happy to work with you and deliver the logo in up to 3 versions at no added fees. (like black and white, color, and avertical and horizontal layout)
here are the last modifications you requested one in color and one in black & white. Let me know if you need any other adjustments or layouts. Business Builders guarantees
#90 Can the letters The gym be outlined darker, but leaving space between each letter so each letter is seperated from each other. Also have a darker letter for Welcome the Balance.
Please provide a copy with the emblem outlined darker and one without.