The Green MailboxLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Green Mailbox

The Green Mailbox has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 320 designs from 41 different designers from around the world.


























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Logo Designer
a stuffed envelope as a logo icon

(This comment references Entry #2)
15 years ago
Thanks for the entry.

I'm not sure if a stuffed envelope portrays what The Green Mailbox does - helping people reduce the amount of junk mail they get or any of the positives of the service (good for environment, saves time, etc.). However, I do like the creative look of the envelope. I'm not a huge fan of the font as I think the l next to the i in mailbox looks a little odd. The grey lettering looks like it might be a little hard to read on a white website background, although perhaps it is just because the sample is small and it would look fine larger - not sure.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the for the feedback. I will come up with a new concept! =)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is a wordmark logo concept - more to come! ;0)

(This comment references Entry #7)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
a new concept for you

(This comment references Entry #14)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
one more wordmark logo concept - the a is a green mailbox

(This comment references Entry #16)
15 years ago
I like #14 more than #7 although I think the text is too small for the font - the bottoms of the Es and Bs seem to merge together. The green color is a little hard to read - I'm not sure if that is because of the size or the low shade. Also the X looks more like chopsticks than an X and I'm not sure I like that. The mailbox is a neat concept that might be better you could see the hinge on the door that is open (or maybe not have the bottom part of the door and just have the leaf in the mailbox... not sure.

With #7, I worry that that G makes it look more like an antispam email junk service because it looks similar to an @ sign than a postal junk mail reduction service. I hope that makes sense.
15 years ago
#16 - I like the mailbox as an A, but I don't like THE inside the R - I'd rather see THE above the G and R or to the left of GREEN - so THEGREENMAILBOX with THE the same size as the other letters. Maybe not chopsticks X. But the stylized A mailbox is very cool.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Great. Here it is with a better font and the "THE" above "Green" and bigger. I will upload a few variations to it as well as the icon alone. Let me know what you think! ;0)

(This comment references Entry #19)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here it is with two leaves in the A mailbox...

(This comment references Entry #20)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
same concept - different layout for text

(This comment references Entry #21)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
just the icon by itself

(This comment references Entry #22)
15 years ago
Great edits! I think I prefer the single leaf inside the A like #19.
15 years ago
Would be interested in seeing what #19 looks like if the green color was more like the darker green color of #6 or the green of #17.
15 years ago
Or maybe a "grassier" or brighter green not like any of the others... also do you have any other ideas for a font that is a little cleaner with simpler lines - especially with the M and Ls?
15 years ago
Also, what do you think of putting the flag on the other side of the mailbox so it almost unintentionally makes the dot of the i?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure I can work on some revisions to it. On the font, do you prefer a serif or san serif font? Do you prefer modern or less modern more classic? Do you like it all small caps as it shows or are you open to different options? Let me know if you have anything specific that you know you like about the typeface and I will get new comps for you tomorrow. =)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good idea with the I, at first that's where I put the flag without the mailbox as the A, then I noticed that the A made a good mailbox! ;0)

Let me know on the font and I will upload more comps tomorrow.
15 years ago
I think I prefer san serif fonts and I think more classic typeface look. I'm open to different options.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Great, thanks. That helps! ;0)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, I perfected my design (I believe). Made it 3D instead of straight on as an A. Take a look and let me know your thoughts! ;0)

(This comment references Entry #69)
15 years ago
Thanks for the latest update. My initial impression is that I like it but have some things that I think would make it stronger. I hope you don't mind some extensive comments on this - as I like the concept but think it needs a little more to become what I need.

Would it be hard to try a font that doesn't use all capital letters? I'm not sure it looks right to have the dot over the i when all the rest of the letters are upper case. Of course, we might run into the opposite problem with the mailbox not looking right as a capital if the other letters are lower case... hmmm....

I think the "The" is a bit too small or else it just blends in with "Green" because of the same color and is hard to see - in #19, for example, "The" uses the same color as "Mailbox" and I think that looks better.

Also, is it just my eyes/monitor/late night or is there a slight color gradient in "Mailbox" with the x side darker (or else the M is a different color)? If it's just me being crazy my apologies and you can call me crazy. But it looks to me like I prefer the X color more than the M.

I'd be interested in seeing how it looks with the "Green" being the darker shade of green ie. swapping the colors.

I'd also be interested in seeing the color black for "The" and "Mailbox" with the "A" mailbox like in #19 to see if that looks better than all green.

My wife mentioned that she thinks this mailbox looks like a big mailbox that you see on the street corner instead of an individuals' mailbox that would have a flag. I think it's because it is taller with 4 legs and most individual mailboxes only have one pole. I'm not sure that is a concern to me, but I'm throwing it out there to consider.
15 years ago
In looking at the mailbox in #69, I'd like to reinforce that I do like the 3d aspect of it. I think that if it were a little longer it would probably look like a regular mailbox (instead of a street mailbox with a flag). I'm not sure it is an issue for me... but the mailbox sort of looks like it is missing its back half or third.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Sounds good. I will look into making some additional changes for you. Thanks for the great feedback. You should see these tomorrow or before! ;0)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I have been working on your revisions for the last couple of days. I also came up with some other concepts. I will be uploading them all here shortly. ;0)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
same font used here. changed the mailbox to look more like a home mailbox and changed the colors around.

(This comment references Entry #173)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
added a pole to the mailbox

(This comment references Entry #174)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
using an "at" symbol for the flat on the mailbox

(This comment references Entry #179)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
this one uses a clock as a flag on the mailbox - saving your customers time

(This comment references Entry #182)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
a new mailbox concept

(This comment references Entry #183)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
one more concept

(This comment references Entry #185)
15 years ago
Wow, so many new ideas and options. It's gonna take me a bit to look through them and figure out my favorites. Thanks so much for all your hard work and efforts, I appreciate it.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I've been busy! Let me know what you think after you look through them all! ;0)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
On #174, I could add a patch a grass to the bottom of the pole too. Just thought of that looking at it again...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
and fonts and colors can be changed if you really like one of the concepts and want to see some variations to it - just let me know. =)
15 years ago
On #185, I don't like the door on the mailbox... I think it doesn't fit with the rest of the logo design - so maybe have either the door closed or no door. I think "The" is a little too small on all of them and/or needs just a little more spacing away from "Green." I also like the red "The" - it provides a nice contrast and connection to the flag on the mailbox.

I'm not a fan of the post on the mailbox in #174 and I prefer the solid flag not the @ or clock shapes.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, great. Feel free to say not interested on the ones you don't like. I will make some changes to the others.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here are two updates to the original #185

(This comment references Entry #192)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
New font and color combinations for the one you have ranked #3

(This comment references Entry #231)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
new fonts and color combinations for the one you have ranked #4

(This comment references Entry #238)
15 years ago
Thanks for #231 and the other combinations. You've given me a lot of great options to evaluate. Thanks for all your hard work and multiple revisions and concepts!
15 years ago
Don't spend any more time on the #196 style... we're not going to go with that in the end, the mailbox - while interesting - doesn't look enough like a real mailbox and feels too much like it will draw unnecessary attention away from our name and concept.
15 years ago
I'd be interested in seeing the "the" from #193 but on the #241 format (slightly larger THE and spaced a tad farther away) and I'd also like to see one with "The" only having the "T" capitalized. Thanks!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
sounds good. I just worked up revisions to the ones you have ranked higher (#3 & #4). I really love the way the new #242 & #241 look. Let me know what you think! Let me know if the fonts are better or if you want that coloring on the original font..... or a different font altogether.....
15 years ago
Yeah, I also like the higher contrast of colors in #242 and #241 - I think you've moved us in a great direction. Not sure if I love the font - the G looks a little odd - maybe try the font from #193?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you prefer the shadow underneath or no? I like it - what is your take on it? If you choose my design, I can provide it both ways for different uses in print & web... ;0)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
new font same concept and coloring

(This comment references Entry #243)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
different color combination with new font

(This comment references Entry #244)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
new color combination for new font

(This comment references Entry #245)
15 years ago
I like the shadow and think it adds to it. But I doubt I would want it for print as I suspect it wouldn't look as good on paper. But I don't have much experience with printing things with shadows so I might be wrong.

I like the shadow better on the #242 design. On the #232 design I think the shadow looks just a little out of place - probably because the stylized A isn't a 3d image and so it just looks like an underline. But with #242 the mailbox is clearly it's own entity that's sort of floating there with the shadow and I think that looks good.
15 years ago
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