I would like to see this with a bright green background as well as with maybe a brighter green in this one. Thanks.
I like this design because it seems like it would go well with my current characters which I like. How do I upload my own artwork for designers to view. Thanks
Awesome. Can we try it with "the" being a little bigger, but not as big as #67. Can you maybe give me a brighter green, I use a bright almost neon green on the black trucks, and a lime, kiwi, and safety green in the t shirts. So if you think you came pretty close on your next update, if you can give that to me in black on a bright green background, or we can just wait till finish with the black background and bright green lettering. thanks.
What do you think of my guys, be honest, I am just wondering if I am being prejudice over other ppls characters because they are mine. Ppl love that I have them randomly all over the trucks. PPL flat out remember them. And I think that is key, but it is not imperative that they are in the logo if they are just plain goofy to an impartial person. thanks for your input. Chuckie
I must admit, that I didn't love the characters at FIRST, but they started to grow on me. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I took the time to redraw your characters. With some very minor alterations to make them more uniform, they grew on me even more. I don't think you are being prejudice because as a designer, I often feel the same way. You don't necessarily have to make them part of the logo either, but more of a mascot. They can sometimes appear with the logo, or the logo can stand alone.
Thanks, but I cannot see the details as i cannot make the image big enough on my computer to see them. maybe if i go up to my office they would be slightly bigger. Do you think it would better if we mirrored the middle guy so all of the heads where evenly spaced. just a thought. thanks.
I tried mirroring the middle guy, but with the positioning of the letter "A" in "MAN" underneath, he appeared to be standing on thin air, not the letter.
In regards to ranking, # 1 - 10 is where the most points are awarded and should be filled with different designs for different designers.
Anything above 11 and moving onward, is only awarded 1 point each. So the order isnt as relevant.
Thank you for all your help. I was wondering if you would be able to make the MAN part of the word even along the bottom to match the box of the word GRASS. Other than that, I would like to see that with a bright green background and in Black lettering. Thanks again
When the contest ends, you have 7 days in judging mode to tweak the designs and choose a winner. Do remember that only the person in the # 1 position can submit revisions once the contest is in judging mode. If you would like revisions from another designer, they must be ranked as # 1 before they can submit.