Thank You for entry #7. Fun logo! The colors are great but would you mind adding a third color of a wine/burgundy color? We would also love to see a cork. thanks and look forward to seeing it!
This comment references Entry #11. Thank You so much for the quick turn around. Now I am worried it is too busy with the three colors. maybe there is a way to use them without it looking so busy. What would it look like with the grapes in the bottle as one color and the text as one or two and then the vines? what are your thoughts? we are also thinking we should de-emphasize the word 'Uncorked' slightly so it is not as large or maybe a different font than 'Grapevine'. we do like this as it is fun and that is what we are looking for. If you have any other ideas, we would love to see them.
Thank you again for the feedback. Is it important to have a purple and a burgundy color? Or would use of just the burgundy work? I'm uploading that so you can see. Also reduced the size of Uncorked - I like the varying size of the text as I think it adds to the playfulness. I'll see what other variations I can come up with.
Thanks sahmmy. The burgundy/purple color combinations were just a suggestion and we trust you as a designer to mix them or any other colors that you deem appropriate however you see fit. We like what you did in Entry 15, but the grape color seems to have gotten lighter for some reason. We were also wondering if the cork and possibly the word 'Uncorked' would look better in a shade of brown or a cork color of some sort. The 'The' should probably match the color of 'Grapevine' in this case to prevent having too many colors. What are your thoughts?
Looking at the designs again, I think the simplified, fewer grapes of #15 works better. I'll darken the grape color and I think the cork can work in a third color - I'll play around with that. I'll also keep "the" in same color as "grapevine". I'll submit something this evening.
Regarding entry #23 - we like 'uncorked' being in a new font and are torn about the color. just for reference, is there another color you might suggest for that as well as the cork. Could you had a green vine to the right side of the bottle - it doesn't have to run the whole side, just show some sort of outline for the bottle. Lastly, we would like to see something else in the bottle. Thank You and look forward to seeing your revisions!
We love these two new revisions (28 and 29)!! For 28, what would it look like without the grapes - if the bottle were just an outline of vines? we're just not sure about the large grapes - perhaps smaller grapes or outlines of grapes or even something else subtle to indicate wine? really great job - thanks!!
We are torn between #'s 52 and 53!! #52 - could you please add the 3-dimension to the grapes you had on previous versions, add a little more definition to the bottom right side of the bottle (can leave some white) and perhaps show a fuller leaf; #53 - please slightly thicken the thin vine on the top right,show a fuller leaf and either move it closer to the bottle or add a small vine as in #52. Thank You so much for all of your revisions - we really appreciate it!!
Thank you for all of the revisions. I think we're just about there. We have one of our partners that plans to chime in on the top candidates shortly, so we're awaiting his feedback before making a final decision. #55 and #56 look great! In terms of #55, my apologies for being a little more vague than I should have been. Can you make the vine flush with the grapes and taper it off as you did on the other side of the bottle? We think this will add a bit more definition to that side of the bottle. We like the fuller leaf as well. Can you have this attached to the bottom vine, pointing more upward as you did in your previous designs? My apologies for all the going back and forth. We really appreciate your efforts and love your work.
In addition to my note above, we're considering your grape color for the 'Showcase' and site ribbons, but we're not sure if we can make it work. Our alternative is more of a burgundy color (hex 7b0002). Do you think that this would work in your design?
Please disregard my last comment for now. I trust that if we make the award, we can tweak the text and grape colors if necessary, right? After a 2nd look it may not be necessary, but we wanted to ask just in case. Our showcase will likely bare the same color.
Please let me know if #67 was closer to what you had in mind. #68 is slightly different with the leaf on the left and the color is the burgundy you mentioned. Color would be very easy to change if necessary.
Thanks Sahmmy!! These new additions look great! We're still awaiting feedback from our partner in CA before we make the award, but we should be in good shape. We'll try to connect with him, get any feedback, and circle back tomorrow. Thanks again for all of your hard work here.
I just heard back from my partner and he loves the first two ranked choices as well. We were really torn between #67 and #56. To put a couple of finishing touches on the logo, can you close up that last little bit of white space on the lower right hand side of the bottle and drop the leaf just a smidge down and over from the bottle? Not much, just a bit. Beyond that, I think we're good to go. The only other question that remains pertains to color and I might not be able to do anything there until I have an image to place on the page relative to the Showcase. When we close this out, would you be able to send us a version with your color and a version with the hex color listed above? We would also like to get a list of the colors used and a 'Transfer of Rights' doc if you have a template handy.
Made changes to #67 - please let me know if it looks like what you had in mind. Sending a version of each color would not be a problem and I can email you a list of all the colors used. When a winning logo is uploaded it includes LogoTournament's legal contract which transfers the rights to the contest holder.
#70's close. If you take the vine that you added on the right edge of the bottle closer to the lower portion of the 'G' and taper it along the edge of the bottle like you did on the other side and then have the vine on the bottom of the bottle come off of the curve of the base a bit more naturally and connect it with the leaf, I think we're there. Does that make sense? The rest of the bottle and vines look great the way they are in 70.
#71 looks great!! Quick question. The thin line that you added extending from the leaf, was this to 3-dimensionalize that piece of the vine or does it serve as another vine extending out? Just curious.