Hello PSTO: Thank you for your several entries. I suggested the color green solely if the name Grandview was going to be utilized in the frame of a street sign. I SUGGESTED the color green as the background for the street sign and not necessarily for the rest of the logo. I think the street sign concept only works if the name is included in the street sign. I think the designs you have submitted (I know you did them very quickly) use to much of the color green. Once again, please feel free to use whatever color you think best fits the concept
The symbol in #15 & #16 is not needed unless they included the words "Grandview Consulting". It you wanted to make the street signs much larger and then put the wording inside then that would be an option. I would use an older style street sign...otherwise no need to use the signs
I like #44 & 45. Maybe the road leads to some buildings or there are things that express success in development/construction on either side of the road during your route to the end. Obviously they can't be to small because they have to fit on a business card
PSTO: Thanks so much for your work. Once again we are working in the area of housing and other areas. We like the logo, but can you make a few slight variations. Possibly on the letters of the company or any other areas.
We also would like to see the logo in totally different colors. Thanks
Hello PSTO: I hope that this message finds you well! We are leaning towards your logo, but just wanted to make sure that you did not have any additional suggestions that might add to the logo.
Overall we really like it, but we would like to reserve the option to fine tune it a little.