#4 I like that you have used my partners mascot and my background....I don't like the red font or the "Click Here" Can you try the font in my business name "James_Farjardo" is the name of the font. I'd also like you to try something a bit more layered....for example the blue background and slogan would be smaller and right justified and the mascot would look like it is in front of the box. or his tail can be hanging below the border. Make sense?
#6 I like this one alot...only think I'm not sure of is the "1" in "2010" it looks more like a slash mark ( / ) than a number. Can we try the font color in more of a lime green? and if you go to www.martiniinthemorning.com se what you can do with their background instead of mine....perhaps changing to thier design but my colors?
#8 Much better! I like seeing the word martini in the back ground. I'm not sure about the stars though I also like the musical score under the slogan. Great job!
#11 Better but a little busy now. Get rid of the musical notes and stars above the musical score. Keep the notes that are on the musical score and the martini glasses. Can you also try a variation with a font similar to the font on my partners site. He uses it in his title accross the top of his home page. I don't know what it is called so it doesn't have to be exact. I would like to stay with the lime green color though.
I really appreciate all your hard work. Thank you!
#11 and #37 I'm sorry but you misunderstood me. I wanted you to use the font that my partner used on his page or one that is close to it. I also preferred the martini glasses more translucent like in #11. I also don't want any of the musical notes in the top portion of the logo. I like them on the musical score like they were in #11.
Sorry for any confusion I've cause. I appreciate you working with me.