#484 fixed spelling
File is provided as EPS and Illlustrator file, which you can import into Indesign.
Files are also provided in white background like #485
Hi... this is the one (with the "The" shifted to the left). One little correction: Brooklyn has a "y" not an "i". Please fix that and we can award the prize...
I was also wondering, did you do the logo in InDesign? It would be helpful to have that document in case we need to make any tweaks down the road. Thanks
We love this one... we'd like to make one small addition.... under the "Condominiums" line of text, we'd like to see in small all-cap text "BROOKLYN, NY". It can be separated from the rest of the logo by a thin white line or perhaps bracket the text with two short white lines. Once we've reviewed that, we should be ready to award the prize. Thank you!
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File is provided as EPS and Illlustrator file, which you can import into Indesign.
Files are also provided in white background like #485
I was also wondering, did you do the logo in InDesign? It would be helpful to have that document in case we need to make any tweaks down the road. Thanks
I just uploaded a couple updated versions and also reversed colors
Just uploaded some variations