The Corporate OptimistLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Corporate Optimist

The Corporate Optimist has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 134 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.












































Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
My initial idea - an extremely optimistic character. Has obviously read your books!
Feedback welcome.

Thanks, Michael

(This comment references Entry #2)
14 years ago
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your entry. I love the energy of your character (and thanks for the compliment about the books!). Nice to see a local designer, too!

Because I'm a girl :) I'm not sure about the distinctive masculinity of the character. Could we try a little more of a stick figure or cartoon, so that it is not identifiably male or female?

Also, could you please take a look at my updated brief - I realised that I need the logo element to be hooked with my name, not the "Corporate Optimist" title (although with your design, I'm beginning to be convinced otherwise...) - my current business card logo has been uploaded. I also still quite like the idea of an "echo" of the feeling of a slice of orange, although nowhere near as prominent as currently.

Hope that helps and thanks again! Helen :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Helen

Here's how silly I am - I didn't even see you were in Oz! Concentrating on the idea!

Anyway that's all fine - I'll see if I can tweak the figure - I was aware of the male thing but the image was just perfect for 'optimism'. Leave that with me.

And I'll check the updated brief and see what I can come up with. Thanks for the note.

I do like the orange-ness of your site - it's an invigourating colour.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Stick figure (brushstroke) optimist icon - with name.

(This comment references Entry #7)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A drip or orange concentrate (helen mac in a concentrate!) - the idea came from the orange and wanting to relate it to something along the lines of 'food for thought'.

(This comment references Entry #8)
14 years ago
Firstly, WOW! you're on fire! Loving all the orange energy and your thinking processes. My husband still likes the little briefcase guy, so he may yet get a guernsey; I like the drop and "food for thought" concept...but my current favourite is #12, so can we play with a couple of variations, please.

I like that there are two "arrows", which could represent growth and results, hidden in the design (intentionally, I'm sure!). One is in the three lines that delineate the wedges of the orange slice. The second is the triangle on the top right of the square. So, if you were to enlarge the slice just a fraction, then make the wedge lines white, that would make that arrow stand out. Then, somehow slightly separate the top right triangle to make that one more visible - whaddya reckon?

I'm not the designer, so feel free to work outside these suggestions...

BTW, this is only my second tournament, so what happens if I like two designs?

Looking at your portfolio, I'm guessing you are Perth based - am I right?

Cheer, H :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow, pleased you're liking the direction(s!). Now listen to your very wise husband okay! ;) (I suppose briefcase guy could be used for some area of the business - presentations, book cover...??)

Okay, I see what you're saying - and yes they are nice tidy little arrows (whether a viewer notices them as arrows is going to vary, but at least we're covering the bases). I'll take a look tomorrow at tweaking it as suggested and see how that goes.

If you like two then you could negotiate with the designer at the end of the contest. I've done this once - and the transaction was done via PayPal and email so no problems there (for me or anyone else I'm sure).

I'm in Brissie - the Perth entry is a current contest I'm in. Always nice to work on the Aussie ones when possible.

Cheers, Michael
14 years ago
Ha, ha - wise guy - you blokes always stick together! Briefcase guy as a book cover or presentation logo is a nice idea, though... I like him better than the more neutral one.

I also like the fact that we (actually 'he') saw the arrows - not sure whether emphasising them is going to work - leave that to you.

Good luck with the Perth one - it's great!

Some interesting new ideas coming in - the tournament process can feel quite overwhelming! No-one's done anything better than yours, yet!

Enjoy your Tuesday!

H :)
14 years ago
Oh, and could you also try one for me with the logo beside the name rather than above - just want to see how it looks both ways. Would also be interested in your thoughts on both versions... Ta!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, yes, something about that character that definitely speaks a lot. Keep it on the backburner.

I haven't looked at tweaking yet - but will get there soon. Icon beside is a good idea - definitely practical for most uses. I'll see how it looks. Also, working on the 'arrows', if it doesn't pan out I won't push it. It's working as is so it has to be better, and balanced visually.

Catch you a bit later.
Michael :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Looking at tweaking this design, the ideas you put forward didn't quite pan out (white lines etc) - it started to get too busy. I've come up with a subtle 'improvement' of the earlier design.
Enlarged slice shape - clearer. 4 options to follow - this one is the straight slices (with subliminal arrows :)

(This comment references Entry #34)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
One 'arrow' picked out in zingy lime colour (upward pointing arrow).

(This comment references Entry #35)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Arrow added to top right area.

(This comment references Entry #36)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Arrow added to top right. This arrow is created from the lines between the slices - so it's highlighting the hidden arrow.... !

As far as the icon placement - I think on the right gets a nice flow going into your name. It's also practical for web, print media. I think a version above it nto to be ruled out as it could be used on presentation covers, banners etc. Nothing wrong with having both versions in your identity package. But horizontal is easier on the eye and quicker to read.

(This comment references Entry #37)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Another idea along the lines of "juice". A drip of concentrated 'Mac goodness.

Helen, I just read your point about 'The Myth of Work/Life Balance!'. This is incredible. I so much these days about "Worklife Balance". This is so refreshing to read and makes sense. Made me laugh! It's so true.

(This comment references Entry #39)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Incorporating the highlighted arrow into the straight slice. Simple, effective, transition from your existing ID.

(This comment references Entry #40)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Just throwing this in the mix - taking the secondary colour from your site. Has a clean, corporate look - slice still keeps it lively. Possible I just had too much coffee.

(This comment references Entry #41)
14 years ago
Loving your ideas, Michael...having trouble sorting them - they're all so good...and take it easy on the coffee!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Helen.

Any questions, I'm around. Time for a green tea...
14 years ago
Hi Michael,

Hope the green tea went well!, I've done my best to sort them.

A couple of version requests... (1) Can you replace the darker (top) arrow on #37 with the same lime greenie colour from the Mac and (2) can you change #40 so that the wedge divider lines are in the lime green and the coloured wedge is gone.

I'm off for a camomile tea then bed!

H :)

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Modified with lime in between wedges. I tried getting the arrow tip in there but the wedges then come away from the edge and look weird - so this is it for now.

(This comment references Entry #44)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Now this is cooking! Don't know why I didn't try that colour in the arrow! Looks good. What do you think?

(This comment references Entry #45)
14 years ago
Yeah, baby!!

No time this morning...more later!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Fine tuning!


(This comment references Entry #75)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Small reflection highlight over icon - as an option.

(This comment references Entry #76)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Stacked layout just so you can see the icon a bit larger - this format might suit for the website.

(This comment references Entry #79)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A bit of fun - a stacked layout. However this might be useful and it shows the flexibility of the design.

(This comment references Entry #80)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Reversed the colours in name.

(This comment references Entry #82)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Still pushing ideas! Just to cover the bases. Simple wedges and arrow - positive, direct and confident - pointing to the name also.

(This comment references Entry #83)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
How would this logo work on a lime/green background (slideshow intro slide or presentation cover for example)...

(This comment references Entry #86)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
or this one...

(This comment references Entry #87)
14 years ago
Yummmmm - loving the new versions - especially 85/81! A quick question...once I chose my winner, how many versions does that entitle me to? You are saying things like...use this on a presentation cover or this one on a website, etc. I obviously get the one I choose - in how many variants?? I'm figuring, if I still want Mr Jumping Man for example, he's extra, because he's a whole different concept...but what about these other minor tweak ones??

I only ask because I'm new to the logo tournament process - hope this doesn't cause you any grief!

I'm logging off to have my Saturday night, I'm hoping you are too. Catch you tomorrow, maybe?

H :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok great - yes that one does look - fresher!

Ok, regarding other versions, speaking for myself, I don't mind doing a few versions - icon beside/above, full colour, mono, over a coloured background, etc. I suppose it depends on a final design how many variants. But I'm happy, and I'm sure other designers around here are too, to make sure you get what you need to use the logo for print and web. An eps file means you can really do anything with the file later on, but it's good to get what you need from the word go - then you can fire off files to web designers and the like and impress the heck out of them with correct files. "PNG" - they might say - and you won't need to break into a sweat. You'll have them all on hand.

.... basically we all go beyond the call of duty around here to make sure contest holders are super happy.

Yes, time to log off - I'll be around late tomorrow arvo to discuss if you need to. :)


14 years ago
Hi there. Hope your sunday is going well.

Thanks for that explanation...and I was really meaning what if I want a minor variation to #81 as my main logo, but I also want to be able to use #85 and #71 and #86 (for example)...then separately (perhaps) our lovely jumping man who is #2!

It's cold and blustery here - hope Brissie is better!

Cheers, H :)
14 years ago
Hi Mike,

About to head out for several hours...and I have no expectation that you are as silly as me and would be working on a Sunday...

Could you please (with no rush) do me a version of #85 and #81 without the .com - ta! I'm fairly certain that that pair are going to be my winners...

H :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, I did have a Sunday - hooray! (instead of the usual work....)

Here are the two sans .com.

(This comment references Entry #133)
14 years ago
Glad to hear it, Mike - and thank you! I'm at Tullamarine on my way to Sydney for work tomorrow. Contest is now closed, so no more playing (and no more bloody difficult decisions!). There were really only two main players - you and the one that had the compass/globe feel...but yours is definitely punchier! I'm probably going to want to fiddle a little with the green, once we go ahead. Whe I printed it on my printer - just a screen dump - it looked almost yellow...

Could you also take a look, please, at my question in the note listed as May 29th at 11.19pm (USA somewhere, I'm assuming!) about multiple versions... Thanks!

Plane boarding in a few mins, so won't get to this again for several hours...

Cheers, Helen :)
14 years ago
PS: You know, of course, that when I pop one of your designs in the "no thanks" column, it's just because I'm running out of room!
PPS: We'll also need to do a black & white (or rather, black and shades of grey) version...
PPPS: But not tonight...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No probs on all of that!
All good. M
14 years ago
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