The Computer ShopLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Computer Shop

The Computer Shop has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 175 designs from 32 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
We speak geek and English too!
What We Do
The Computer Shop sells and services computers, computer parts, and computer accessories for home users and small businesses.
Color Preferences
Colors we like the most: Blue, white, grey, darker greens
Colors we dislike: Orange, purple


Order by
Entry Number



















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Our current Logo is simple Text Based with Emphasis on the word Computer and the "the - Shop" smaller (Perhaps this is not the way we should be) #12 is very nice with the emphasis on the word Computer. The reflection adds a little sophistication in my view. I love the whimsical nature of #5, however it is a bit too cartoonish. #2 is very close to what we currently use, and I want to bring more sophistication to it, without going "big business" as we are a family shop in a small community in NE Pennsylvania. #4 is intriguing and I am drawn to the missing puzzel piece, and the thought that we fiil in the missing piece of the puzzel in making technology friendly for the average person. Nice work everyone, Thank you!
15 years ago
#5 - #13 Nice but too "fun" or cartoon like to adopt as is. Love the idea, just need a more serious tone. #14 I LIke this very much but would like to see with more conservative color options. I think the green would be a fun as part of an ad campain, but too soon be "dated" as our everyday colors. #21 I am very interested and love the whole puzzel concept... but we need to show the pieces as elements of the computer world, and The computer shop as the Missing piece to making computing friendly for the home/small business user. Note the font styles used in #14, 15 etc are more what I like to see, or carry a more serous professional image. #22 is a cute logo, but to "young" overall with the smily face. $15-16-17 etc., I do like the simle layout and these logo's very much, but would like to see somthing which says computer in the graphic, and the "we speak geek.." a little larger.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Alright, thank for the input. I will be trying to make the logo a bit more serious. Is there any preference to make it have a more serious look? What should I change? I was thinking the computer part of the logo, or do you think a more serious font?
15 years ago
Hi Gamersworld. I think the graphic. Perhaps somthing in the lines of a laptop with strong serious lines. We want to be fun and relaxed, but we need to convey a strong smart professional image. The problem with too storng of an image is it scares home users and they believe the technology is too complex for them... a catch 22 deal.......... perhaps a darker more conservative blue in the logo would help.
15 years ago
#27 - INteresting, but Ilike the emphasis in the puzzel pieces. The idea of haveing it in the computer is great, but the lines of the PC are too heavy, and the puzzel is lost in the graphic. Can you try to incorporate out logo into the puzzel squares? Just a thought. I really love the whole puzel idea. Also I liked the darker colors of the 1st entries more...

#12-15-16 The "we speak geek" needs to be larger in the logo. As is, it is lost. CAn you work on that part. Thanks.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#35 - Is this more of what you are looking for.
#36 - More conservative blue version.
15 years ago
#43 - Try shrinking the words "The & Shop" so the word computer is dominant. Prhaps just a buit smaller on the "We speak geek..." section. The graphic is god, but just not what I want. Can you try a simple "laptop" design?

#36 - I like this design in general, but with a more serious graphic, and see the font size comments on the #43 design.

#38 - Please shrink the words "The & Shop" and try a more conservative simple fonts as in #31 - 39 - 43. Also I like the use of a laptop, but would want a more conservative graphic.

#40 - The graphic is too generic, and I woudl prefer it to the left. Also a more conservative font, and darker colors. Nice entry...

#31 - Can we drop the circle around the graphic, and do you have a laptop graphic we can see? Just a touch smaller on the "we speak geek" too if you would.

#39 - If you can shrink the "we speak geek" part a bit, and come up with a relevant graphic, you will be in the running.

Thank you all for your efforts. If it helps, I am 50 Yrs old and a conservative person who wore a suit for 25 years, and now run a family computer shop in NE Pennsylvania. We are 20 miles south of Scranton PA (setting of the TV show "The Office")
15 years ago
#44 - I love that graphic twist....!!!!! Can you try maybe a globe or "house" in the "arm" of the graphic, rather than the square you have?? Love IT!!
15 years ago
Hi Everyone. I amliking the various fonts and text layouts, but the graphics are just to generic, and I think will not reproduce well in Black & White. Below is a graphic I do like and I think a variation of it is what we really want.

#45 - Can we shrink the "we speak" text a little more, and make it italics?

#44 - Need to pull the "we speak" text tighter rather than spread like that, and your graphic really has potential, but is the square has no meaning....

#49 I like the Text layout, perhaps put the word shop under the word Computer, and shrink the words "The & Shop" GRaphic is relevant but too generic.

#46 - Like the color layout, but woudl like a Sans Serif font for the Computer shop. The graphic is certainly relevant, but just too common.

Thanks you for all your efforts folks. If we can get some interesting Graphic this will be a real horse race.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Would you suggest anything for my laptop version #53 ?
15 years ago
#56 - Like the text. Can you go to All lower case on the text so I can see. I think I like that style more. Lets drop the PC graphic, and try some symbol of "international" type sign/symbol. That woudl give a a logo with conservative colrs when we want, and excellent B&W ad's. Thanks!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, I will try all lower case. I saw in comments above you would like a globe. Should I try that?
15 years ago
#58 I don't know about a globe per say, I think what I am after is probably more of a Symbol which of course represent computers. Because people are so lazy in what they read, we want a graphic which says "computers". Important too is that 90+% of our adds are Black and White, so the colors of the fonts will scale and look nice, but we will loose any impact of color in the graphic in that medium. I think the text here is perfect, lets keep that, it's a winner, and try to find the right graphic! Did you checkout the graphic I sent a link to above? Thanks!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, so you want me to stick more away from the globe? I took a look at the clipart you found and it might be a little complicated to change my designs to that. But, do you have any suggestions on what I should add to it, what would you suggest for an 'international' look?
15 years ago
Hi, If we could bend the triangle into a House frame, and show the stick figure inside. It says home, and computers, and is easily to recognise. The laptop and globe while nice are just to complicated to reproduce cleanly in B&W ads.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I understand about the printing, but I don't exactly know what you mean by bending the triangle into a house frame, and which triangle? Should I get rid of the laptop and globe altogether and make a different graphic?
15 years ago
#72 - Very interesting graphic, but the circles kind of wreck it. Would love to see some variations of that graphic. Text is OK but I think I am sold on the text style of lower case.

#62 - YEs, I like the basic graphic. The lines are just too thin. I like the bolder "thick" lines. Can you change that for me? Also can you do a version this with 3 people in the house, 1 downstairs, 2 upstairs? I realize everything gets smaller, but it would say "family” I love how you made the PC a laptop.
15 years ago
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I removed the logo with the laptop and wish to stay with the house frame concept. Sorry about the triangle comment as well. I thought the graphic I sent was a person in a triangle. (Poor memory) You are on the right track for me, and I appreciate all your work and efforts. We just need to “bold up” the lines, and perhaps do more of a body in the style of “international signage” IN the table and stool portion of the graphic, I think you can remove some detail and not hurt the design. For example, the support arm in the table. And use just a single line for the stool the person is on, like the stools in old diners at the counter.
15 years ago
#73 & 74 Quite cute but unfortunately not what we are looking for. Please see my notes above for some ideas.

#80 I like this very much, can you give me a version with a darker blue with the grey, and italicize the "we speak geek". Also, if posible I would love to see another version of this with 3 people in the house, representing a "family". Perhas it woudl be too small...?

#75 Interesting but not what I am currently looking for.

#88 - Colors are not the issue here, it is really the graphic. Please see my notes to others above.
15 years ago
#4 Interesting....... Shrink the images and put them in a house as the other two and you may just win this... Anyones game right now!
15 years ago
#100 - Thank you for the redo........ Seemed like a good idea but it's too much stuff in a little space. Ca we delete the person in the middle, and see what it is like with just the two users. Also, can we add a small chimney to the house? Thanks, Tom
15 years ago
#111 - I like, but drop the serif font (see the others) and add some color. Try some dark blue in the word Computer, and drop the ..... in the we speak geek.

#110 - Nice, shirink the 4 squares so they fit under the roof. Perhapos a person in one of the squares........ right now, this is your contest to loose...
15 years ago
#90- This would be really interesting if you flushed the logo text more to the left side, put the computer user almost sitting on the far right side of the word "computer" without the bottom pole of his seat there anymore. It would look like he's sitting on the right edge of the word "computer." I would like to see the "We speak geek..." below the logo and completely lose the green wireless type waves all together.
15 years ago
#116- Great concept. I really like the guy sitting on the corner in the house- it's exactly what I pictured in my mind when giving feedback to another design. The line density of the house and chimney is too thick though. Can you please thin it out more so it's no thicker than the word "computer"?

#113- Same problem. I'm not crazy about the thickness of the house, but I really like the grey and blue like that.
15 years ago
#119 - Love it! Can we also try a version with the "We speek geek...." ending with "shop" indented a little, so the "p" in "shop" ends right under the foot? Thanks so much!
15 years ago
#124- Looks very nice. One last request.... Align the word "the" to flush left over the letter O in Computer, so the letter C can be enlarged and equal in height to the word "The".
15 years ago
All other new designs... they're very interesting but so far #124 is the one to beat.
15 years ago
#151 - Try losing the rounded base, and drop the caps in the lettering so all is small case.
15 years ago
#148 - Like it........ need to see more of the house & pc though
15 years ago
#154 - Can you reverse the graphic. Dark person/PC in a white frame like the others. Thanks!
15 years ago
#124 I know we are short on time. Can you replace the monitor with a laptop??
15 years ago
Wonderful work everyone, Thank YOU!!!!! The final choice will be difficult. Tom
15 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry just seen the comment... good luck
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
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