Hi Everyone. I amliking the various fonts and text layouts, but the graphics are just to generic, and I think will not reproduce well in Black & White. Below is a graphic I do like and I think a variation of it is what we really want.
http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=PCd&um=1&q=computer+clip+art&sa=N&start=144&ndsp=18#45 - Can we shrink the "we speak" text a little more, and make it italics?
#44 - Need to pull the "we speak" text tighter rather than spread like that, and your graphic really has potential, but is the square has no meaning....
#49 I like the Text layout, perhaps put the word shop under the word Computer, and shrink the words "The & Shop" GRaphic is relevant but too generic.
#46 - Like the color layout, but woudl like a Sans Serif font for the Computer shop. The graphic is certainly relevant, but just too common.
Thanks you for all your efforts folks. If we can get some interesting Graphic this will be a real horse race.