The Community of HealingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Community of Healing

The Community of Healing has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 134 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.
































Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Hello Antonio,

I've made some new logos for you to see #79, #80, #81.
Please check them.

12 years ago
Hi Pink

Thanks for trying out this other design. Christabel is coming over in the next couple of hours and Ill ask her what she thinks. ill definitely keep you for the next stage though.

Thanks so much!

My favourites are 91,94,93.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Antonio,

Thanks for the response.
Since I'm not in top 5 I won't be able to submit anymore logos but it was a pleasure working on your project.

My best greetings to Christabel.

Kind Regards
12 years ago
Hi Pink. Your are winning so far - Christabel was right!

The colours for the chakra are wrong...and there are two missing - can I ask you to check them and see what you can do?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Antonio,

Thank you very much for the great ranking!
I agree that this type of design communicates better to your audience the nature of your mission.

In my new variant #119 I've corrected the number and colours of chakra and also I designed a B/W version of it, #120, #121, in order to have an idea of how it will look for your other applications.

I'm at your disposal for any modifications.

Kind Regards
12 years ago
Hi Pink,

OK im working with you!

Heres what I want to do!

logo 94 as is except put the chakras in the right order, bottom up red, orange, yellow, green and blue.

Then with the chakras in the right order could you try a few more ideas .

1 Can you make the world green. lush green not lime green with white light coming from the middle as in 91 but a little less bright white
2 Can you try as an actual map of the world in the center instead of the grid - green on land and blue for sea?

thats it!
So many thanks!!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so, your trust is much appreciated :)
Give me some time and I'll submit the variations that you want.

Kind Regards
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Antonio, please check my #124, #125, #126, #127, #128 variants and tell me which one is closer to what you have in mind.

12 years ago
These look wonderful. Give me a couple of hours to get feedback from friends?

I'll write back soon.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
That's perfect!
I'll wait for your feedback.

Thanks :)
12 years ago
OK all done

127 is IT


so do I put it as the first ranked?
Can you get me a black and white of it too?

I dont have experience with what happens after this stage, and Christabel is fast asleep!

My concern is that when she wakes up tomorrow you will be fast asleep and the tournament will end! But I am sure I will need it in B and W, and in great resolution too as I may do T shirts etc. If you think there is any other version I need perhaps you can do it for me as Im going to bed now.

All the very best to you over there in greece. We will be sailing your way this summer!

I will also be doing another competition for The Ark which is my healing centre here in Ubud Bali. you can precheck the model I want to use on my face book page Alchemy at the Ark, or antonio abbagnano.

all the very best to you dear Pink!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Haha! No worries Antonio, you still have plenty of time before contest is officially over.

Yes, you have to rank first #127 and in the meantime I'll prepare you its BW version.
When you close the contest I'll send you the eps (vector) and jpg file of the winning design via Logotournament.

After that step I can send directly to your email all the other versions you need (yours and mine email will be included on Logotournament's legal contract of the contest).

It's great to hear you'll visit Greece, it's a paradise for tourists!

Have a peaceful sleep :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#132 is a BW version with shades of gray
#133 is a BW version with solid colours

If you want I can send you both versions.

12 years ago
Hi Pink - I had one last minute feedback and I am copying and pasting it to you - can you still do tyhis to see what its like?

here it is

Hey bro,

Just a couple of points on the logo as you have an hour or so for the finalisation -

I would simplify it by taking away the blue around the outer circle and making the text a charcoal grey (always works better than black). The snake can have an outline that would help it be seen on the white background.

Also the break in the snake to indicate the tail could come on the level below perhaps (on the right in between the yellow and orange points).

I would also reduce the size of the chakra nodes too and take out all 3d effect on them to flatten them. This will give it more of a professional look in my opinion.

I would also remove the vertical line just by the snakes head to leave that clearer, otherwise it looks a little like a flap of skin perhaps?

Hope this helps

Big Love

Arron Artikai
Empowerment Architect
081 237 200 927

Hey bro,

Just a couple of points on the logo as you have an hour or so for the finalisation -

I would simplify it by taking away the blue around the outer circle and making the text a charcoal grey (always works better than black). The snake can have an outline that would help it be seen on the white background.

Also the break in the snake to indicate the tail could come on the level below perhaps (on the right in between the yellow and orange points).

I would also reduce the size of the chakra nodes too and take out all 3d effect on them to flatten them. This will give it more of a professional look in my opinion.

I would also remove the vertical line just by the snakes head to leave that clearer, otherwise it looks a little like a flap of skin perhaps?

Hope this helps

Big Love

Arron Artikai
Empowerment Architect
081 237 200 927

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Good morning Antonio,

Please check #134 entry, I've applied all the modifications your partner suggested.
Do you like it better his way?

12 years ago
Well I think it looks eat! Now I'm confused again cos I like both!

I have sent it to him and I'm waiting for his answer. I understand I have a couple of days, but ill try get back to you tomorrow.

Thank you SO
12 years ago
Logo Designer
That's OK, no rush!
When you decide send me a message.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Antonio,

I hope you and Christabel are doing well.

Have you made a decision about the logo?
Is there something that puzzles you and you want my help?

Thank you!
12 years ago
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