Would you put the face and hat element from #25 onto #6 please?
Also, would you incorporate the word "The" into #26 please?
A question came up from one of my friends who I asked to come and take a look at the logos- what happens if you like 2 of the designs that are incorporating the same elements? For example, one would work great on a shirt and the other on a hat? Do you guys run into this ever?
#34 - I added the "The" #35 - Added the new face and hat on #6.
I will have to check first but I don't think it's not a problem providing an extra version of the logo with a different layout if its all the same elements.
Hi Scott, About the question, I got this answer today from a moderator.
"If the designs are from the same designer, but the designs are different: - The designer may not offer the second the design to the CH during the contest as a free add-on. This violates the designer code of conduct. - The designer may tell the CH that he is bound by the site rules not to offer it for free, but that after the contest ends, they can negotiate a selling price. - After the contest ends, it's up to the designer to make arrangements with the CH. If you expect payment for the second design (and you should), it's up to you to make sure you get paid. LT can't guarantee payments off site."