thanks for your entry entry #55, could you put a space between Chapel and Hill. Also I like the bird and the star but instead of a curve down,could you make the curve less pronounces and curve it upwards in a swoosh starting level at the bottom of "the" and curving upwards slightly (so the bird looks like it is flying up and not diving. thanks again
I like #77 and #79 the best but in #79 the bird is tilted up too much and in #77 it is raised too high above the line of the text.
Can you try #79 again please with the top of the bird's head coming level with the top of the 'T' of "The"?
The curve should be a level, straight line to start with and then rise up gently at the right hand side to the eagle's head. The eagle's head should be level, looking to the right, not looking up.
Could you try that please - this is a leading design. I actually like the red and blue design and also the pure blue design. They would both work well in different situations. I have decided I don't like the ones where "Hill" has 2 differently sized "L" letters
I really like 107 and 108 - I don't like the buildings on the other ones though.
On 107/108, is it possible to make the blue line tilt up a bit more just like the red line?
Also, can you do a logo that is 900 pixels wide so it will cover the top of my emails? Logotournament thought I was asking for a banner ad which I am not. I just want it to cover the top of emails and the website. Perhaps by extending the red and blue lines out to the right with the eagle's head at right?
Hi Denis I just upload the update on entry #172 #173
About the 900px wide logo version, yes I can do that. I think if I am not mistaken what concern LT have was if you asked for different kind of image for the banner, and asking for different project while contest still running is prohibited here in LT, it may get any designer banned, but since you are asking basically same logo for application on different size it is very minor task and it is ok.
I do like 107 and 108 - could you try it with different fonts? I like the font you've used, but would be interested in seeing some different fonts with those designs thanks again, this is great work Denis
thanks for all the extra effort Riza. #183 is the right swoosh
the other fonts are hard to decide on because you are using all upper-case letters. I would like to see 188 in capital case rather than all upper case please. Also, I think the swoosh on 183 would work on the banner provided only the last centimeter or so has the upper curve? What do you think?
I like 188 and 183, and actually 183 has a really good font, but would like to see the changes. thanks again Denis
No problem Denis, I will work on the logo until it is perfect for you.
For the capital case version of design #188 are on #195 #196 because small letter version of this font is same as capital. so the letter basically are the same but smaller
The version where the bird are 'taking off' near the end of the 'runway' is on #199, I think you are correct it is look better this way, but maybe the red swoosh need a bit more tweaking and I will work on that now and submit it in a moment
While working on the previous version I am thinking what if we use actual aircraft taking off, just in case you are interested with this idea I have upload it, its on entry #197 #198
Hi Denis I have upload the old font with new red and blue swoosh on #268
I also try some new font on #269 #270, I found #269 interesting because it enhance the feeling of speed with its italic and bold style and I thought you might interested.