Talk for himself, is a group of persons or proffessionals who make a hearth figure, this talk abou team work and the imortance of union in this important job, please let me know your comments, thanks and good luck.
This option is one of my favorite. Shows a group of persons together, the union between two persons form a hearth, i like this concept, can shows easy the hearth idea, the union one and the group concept, hope you like it, thanks and good luck !!!
171 - somewhat intriguing - looking for a horizontal idea 172-197, 205-206 Family and group idea doesn't work - we are not a family practice of physicians. We do adult cardiology, people who are very sick, Use high tech equipment and ICU hospital beds. 198-203 - too "techno?" -- but 203 in somewhat more of a horizontal idea? It will be used at the top of our stationalry and our business cards. Stick to white, red and navy blue color schemes if you have any other ideas. Thanks