Hey Daz, Thanks for your entry and I really like everything a lot except for the Burton script. I really like the other font that you used but for the Burton could be get it in a differnt style script. Maybe something a little more rustic? Also, could you change the could sceme around a bit. Maybe a black backgroud and khaki wording or navy blue background and khaki wording? Thanks so much and I think yours is pretty close to what we want. Look forward to seeing your next stuff!!
Am glad you liked it. I will try different styles of script for you and will change the scheme for you a bit as well. I will keep revising till it feels closer to perfect and well balanced.
I gave you different styles and each has its own unique feel. Let me know which is closer and more appealing to you and your feedback so i can revise those accordingly.
My unique approach to this word mark logo was using the large " B " to balance the rest of your brand name and put emphasize on " Burton ".
Just in case you started seeing other designers copying that unique style of mine that i introduced first and retain the rights on developing on it further at your contest.
Hey Kareem, Great work and I am really liking the new ideas!! I am going to run them by a few people and then I will give you more feedback but for now they look awesome!. Thanks
#49 added a more personal favor here. Notice how the extension of the " B " letter and its curved outer extension ? i have had that side of the roof coming out continuing on that same curve feeling then coming straight on its other side.
It complements your word mark just fine and it is all well balanced unique mark that covey's your classic brand name as well what you do straight on from first glance.