The Book PlaceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Book Place

The Book Place has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 91 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.






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Thank you so much for your submission! There are things about this that I really like. Some of the detail on the character is very nice, mostly the lower half. I appreciate the Mercury head, but the mouth/jaw area is a bit too pronounced and I really don't know that I want a mask at all. The 'TBP' being worked into one logo on the chest is a really cool idea. The sun and rays are neat but the wrong colors. I like #28's sun and ray colors better. And I would really like to see the letters in small caps (all caps but the T, B, and P bigger caps) or at least like, "The Book Place" (caps for T, B, and P). I would like to see what an unclothed character like Atlas would look like, without showing any actual forbidden body parts, of course. The book and letters need more detail like #28.
14 years ago
Okay, so I LOVE this idea!! (#62 and #63) Can you further tweak #63 to have more detail, a much larger sun and rays behind the character, no angel wings, and maybe a cape instead? Thanks so much!
14 years ago
ysomez, great work! I like some of the tweaks. Here are a few more requests. I think I'd prefer the character without the mercury wing things because people will mistake them for horns. I'd also like to see what the character would look like with more detail. Also, I'd like to see the sun and rays in the back start a bit less washed out before they fade on the edges. Lastly, although I really like the way 'The Book Place' looks with the gradient you have on it, I'd like to see it a bit closer to black (but still have the same gradient). Also, what about making the book a different color so that it doesn't blend in so much?
14 years ago
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