The Book PlaceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Book Place

The Book Place has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 91 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.










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Logo Designer
with mirror image on bottom

(This comment references Entry #4)
14 years ago
Please colorize book and sun and try adding rays to sun (like Nick Gaetano's work... see link). Thanks!
14 years ago
Forgot to mention, I DO like 'BP' on the character's chest. :-)
14 years ago
What would entry #15 look like with the text back in black (including 'The') and each word capitalized. Also, I would like to continue to see more detail in the character. The more he looks like the characters in Nick Gaetano's work, the better... in other words, detailed by using gradients and such and not cartoonish. Also, I would like to see what the sun rays would look like if they were more like the Gaetano artwork. Thanks so much!
14 years ago
Cool. How about colorizing the book's pages and the sun, but leave the text black? #17 is my favorite of yours so far if you do that. Thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
white "the" - black text

(This comment references Entry #24)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
black "the"

(This comment references Entry #25)
14 years ago
Awesome. Nice work! What about capitalizing T, B, and P or doing “small caps” (like in Microsoft Word where it is all caps but the first letter of each word is just a little bigger)? Also, how about making the character look more like the characters of Nick Gaetano? Perhaps by losing the shielded face? Making the body sleeker and less cartoonish while still keeping him well-built (primarily the upper half... the lower half looks pretty good except the feet could use a little work)? Here is a link that may help… not saying it’s perfect but it shows the ‘Mercury Head’ without it being shielded:
14 years ago
More critiques: Can you darken the text a little (while still keeping the gradient)? Can you make sure that the borders of 'the' don't go outside the edge of the sun? Can you make sure that the book cover is in front of the letters in 'Book Place' (the 'k' and the 'l')? Can you make the 'BP' on his chest better looking? What would 'BP' look like in black? Can you make the way his hands are resting on his hips look better?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Darker text, no text outside of sun, different BP on chest (also colored black) & Fixed hands on hips

(This comment references Entry #28)
14 years ago
Thanks, Kib! You're sticking with it and I appreciate that! **I know I am picky, but I will be using this logo a lot and for a long time so I want it just right.** As for the hands, I have uploaded a pic of the way they should look. Sorry if it's confusing. // I definitely need to see the text in 'small caps' (all caps but first letter of each word is a bigger cap) and normal (capitalized T, B, and P: "The Book Place"). The feet could look better (the ankles seem okay, just the actual feet part... heels, toes, etc.) I would also like to see more done with the face (maybe by getting rid of the mask). The character might look better with a face and body like Atlas in the 'Atlas Shrugged' pic instead of the comic character, but maybe not since he does have a cape of sorts. I'd just like to see - I think it would help. Regardless, I'd definitely like to see something done with the mask and the capitalization. THANKS AGAIN!!
14 years ago
Looking great! I’m very excited. I definitely like the feel of capitalizing T, B, and P better, but it doesn’t fit under (and support) the book as nicely. Think you can do anything about that? Maybe have the B, k, P, and maybe the l slanted like they are in the lower case version. It is a challenge, I know, but I think it can be improved. Also, please capitalize the ‘T’ in ‘The’. The feet look much better to me, as do the hands and even the mask. Also, can you try having ‘TBP’ on the chest instead of just ‘BP’. Everything in our warehouse is TBP this and TBP that, so if it fits nicely that would be more apropos – worth a shot. Maybe you could see what the letters look like visually crossing like they did in white (but leave them in black). You would have to make them slightly less bold, though, so I don't know for sure how that would look. Also, how about getting ‘Book’ and ‘Place’ to be equally wide so that they are symmetrical? Again, worth a shot. Thanks for the complement on the design idea… to be fair I didn’t actually come up with it, but I, too, thought it was a very clever way to work a book into a unique logo. :-)
14 years ago
Hey Kib! Thanks for continuing to work on the logo. Love the ‘TBP’ on the chest! I’ve agonized over how to get the right look while having the ‘B’ and ‘P’ capitalized under the book. What about keeping just the capitalized -first- letters, as in #30, but raising it up so that the ‘k’, ‘p’, and possibly the ‘l’ slant and touch the book (always keeping the book in front of the letters when it comes to layering, though)? You could also slant the B if it looked good, as in #28, although I realize it will look different and be a bit tougher with it being capitalized. The only other thing I can think to try is continue with the caps, as in #39, but slant all of them with the angle of the book. /// I think I am really happy with the way the character is looking. Good stuff. That ‘TBP’ really finished off the look. Looking back on earlier renditions, the logo has come a long way in a few short days! Also, please keep trying to make the 'Book' and 'Place' symmetrical. I realize the difference in letter count makes it very tough, but I know you're not ranked number 18 out of over 7600 for nothing! ;-D THANKS SO MUCH!!
14 years ago
Kib, had a few more suggestions after seeing #46 from yoi... I really like the sun the way he has it (not saying I -Definitely- want to switch to that, but I'd like to see it on your logo like that). Also, I'm wondering if a white book is a better way to go... cleaner and newer looking, ya' know? I like yours with the gradient, details, etc., the way you have it, but I'd like to see it in a shade of white. Also, the character he designed has more of the shape that I was looking for in some respects, especially in the upper legs and chest/shoulders/arms. Also, he's got the hands totally right. Switching the book and sun color may require changing the boot color and forearm color (if you keep the forearms as they are).
14 years ago
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