Entry number 18: We really like the way you've presented the words here, above each other in 3 tiers. We also like the colours and font that you've used. Please leave these as they are!
Regarding the picture, we do like it, but we prefer the picture done by 'heavenorhell'. Could you leave your words presented exactly as they are but use 'heavenorhell's picture from entry number 10? SImply combining the two would be wonderful.
Please let me know if you'd like further clarification. Thanks
Just to clarify- please keep the font style the same but make the 3 words the same size, as opposed to 'the' being smaller. Just to see.... may stick with what you've done.
Could you make some changes please? We'd like to see what else could work. We'd like 'The Biodiversity Consultancy' in full, in 3 tiers just as you've done. However, we'd like the TBC to be in bold, perhaps you'll have to change the font for this to work.
Regarding the picture, could you make the dark blue circle fade inwards? See what that looks like.
#159 - Great, think it looks better with the lettering all the same size.
Can we see what it would looke like now with- 1) T, B and C in bold- this is so that we could opt for having just TBC as opposed to the full name if we wanted. Would it be possible to have a finished loga that we could pull apart and have the picture, TBC, or 'The Biodiversity Consultancy' on their own or in different combinations? We are thinking about this so that for some media we could have the picture and TBC and others just the full name. What do you think? Is this how logos tend to work? 2) The dark blue circle fading inwards 3) The green slightly darker.
This is all very experimental! Thank you so much for your cooperation and speed at getting things done.
Hello. I will send changes. I believe that I have understood about TBC. As for the colors not is if understand you. Do the Greens want them more obscure or in another tone of green? The blue..?more degraded?
Entry #200 TBC in bold. Green in same shades slightly more obscure. Entry #201 TBC only. I've changed the green range. Entry #202 I've changed range the Greens and the Blues.
Thank you for those. #200 & #202 - please can you... 1) Remove the line between the picture and the words 2) Make T, B & C slightly larger 3) Make the outer dark blue circle fade inwards (please try this with both)
Let me know if you need a bit more clarification. By 'the dark blue circle fading inwards', I mean the circle starting bold but the colour fading into the sky and water. Don't worry if you're not too sure about this.
I have just changed with a color. It is little more than 1/2 hour to make the contest close. It may not be exactly what I said... do not have much time. Anyway, I would remind you that after the first clasficicado, if you can upload more files. Best,
Congratulations on being our top designer! Can you make some changes, please....
Can you use the font style and colour used by ormode in #170.
When we have the finished logo, is it possible to be able to use the picture, 'TBC' and 'the biodiversity consultancy' seperately if we want? Is that how the logos are created?
Sorry for the delay. He did not give the exact source. It can this distorted or retouched. I believe that that you send is very similar. (There are thousands of similar fonts) Entry #208, Entry #209 The steps are as follows:
1. You choose a winner 2 Rise logotournament design chosen files in EPS (file good, vector, it can be any size) and a JPG of quality. But only the winning file 3. You have to approve these files.
Here the process of logotournament. But the designer is committed within a period of at least 15 days to provide, via mail program, modifications or changes of colour.
Let me explain. After select a winner, you send other files, according to your instructions by e-mail. The only symbol, 'TBC' and 'the biodiversity consultancy' separated. In black and white and grayscale.
Not be if I have explained well. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to say so
Thanks again for choose my design. I've already uploaded the final files. Now he must approve these files, to complete the process. To send you the files separately, you should send me an email. Good serious too, indicating me exactly files needed.