For #66, the words are a little difficult to read from afar. Is there a way to tweak the font color and/or background color to make it "pop" a little more? Also for the extras (such as the barley, hops, bottles) in all your images, I think we're overdoing it just a bit. Could we try some variations with your symbol on top and also some variations with your symbol on the bottom and then also just have 1 of the following on the side opposite the symbol: barley, 3 bottles, 1 bottle. Unless you can make the hops look clearer lets not use them. It's tough at a glance to tell what they are.
#86 looks great with the font. Really stands out now. Can we try a version of that without the bottles and move your symbol to the bottom (similar to #51).
#116 and #117 are very close....tending towards the browner version (#116). Could we try both with a more "classic" font....similar to #97? So basically add some "character" to the font....not just straight "arial type" font. But not too much character.
Almost there. I noticed there are some "holes" in the "Beer Junction", where the black from the "X" comes through. For instance in #134 there is a small black circle in the middle of the "c", which makes it tougher to read. Could you fill in those holes with the color of the surrounding font for #116, #117, #133, and #134. Also, could you do a brown font version of #133, so the color is similar to #116, but same font as #133.