Hey, Thank you... your logos are AWESOME! I cant wait to see the third one. My favorite one so far is #11... Id like to see it in Brown, Tan & Copper, sorta like a saddle leather, buckskin and metal look. Also, Id like to see the very bottom "tag line" a bit more dramatic, maybe a different font, color, etc. This is BY FAR one of my favorite logos!
Again, another GREAT PIECE! #10 has all the elements Im looking for in a logo. Id really like to see it without the animal and a very cool WESTERN GUITAR instead of the boot. Possible? Also, Id like the "tag line" to be displayed in a HORIZONTAL motif, instead of in a circular fashion. Do you think we could incorporate a TEXAS FLAG in the logo ANYWHERE? That would be perfect!
Thank you so much for your effort! These LOGOS seemed to have come directly from my own mind... exactally what I envisioned!
nny, but the name of my corporation is SACRED SPADE PRODUCTIONS, INC. Very interesting... I love SPADES!
Thanks for all your work! I really love your ideas... # 14 is my favorite. Id like to see the barb wire "arched" like it is in #21. Also, Do u think u could put a "SKULL w/ a CHEFS KNIFE" through it... INSIDE the SPADE? That is my logo for SACRED SPADE - One more thing... Can you please show me #14 in HARLEY DAVIDSON COLORS (ORANGE-BLACK&WHITE)?