hi thanks to rank my designs among the top 5 designers... the only ones allowed to send varitions during the "Top 5" period I sent some update of the logo, but please don't mind to ask about any change that you wanted to see
hi thanks again for your feedback and your ranking I sent some update, but I'm sorry because I don't understand totally your comment you ask to change the roof the blue in #61 and all the orange to red... but as in #61 all the roofs are orange I have the doubt if you want the roofs in blue or the blues in red... anyway I sent several variations with roofs using blue and using red.... but please don't doubt to ask about any combination to obtain the right combination that you want..... will be a pleasure
thanks to rank my designs so high please don't mind to ask about any change that you wanted to see.... during the "judging period" just the designer ranked first is allowed to send variations....