Maybe try it with one line in the wing instead of 2.
Also show a lighter blue, like open sky.
This is my first LT post... and I'm thinking I can't find a good design this way. I'm not the one who makes the final decision -- I need to show several good ones to my client and iterate from there. What I need is an excellent designer (I work with one but need another excellent designer) who can produce several concepts I can show to the client.
I know it may not seem like it yet, but give it another day or two...most designers here like to wait till the last day or two before posting their versions as it cuts down on people being "inspired" by the CH's favorites. Sending invites to designers that have a style you like will definitely give your competition more quality work to choose from too...just remember though that the people you do invite will absolutely want feedback from you if/when they post an image.