Hi CH, trying to understand you brief deeper, but it seem need more attention in this. I put an emergency ring in a pool, to emphasize of security concept, and put the $ symbol inside the house and above the ripple... I hope in the right direction for your entry...
Really like #46! I also like #45! Could I see #46 with the type font and style of #45, and a front door instead of a key hole? Thank you so much. GREAT WORK.
Kab-- on #64, can we see the word COMReP with the "e" in lower case, as opposed to a cap shrunk down in size? Also, can you play with a drop shadow? Lastly, drop the shading in the corners. THANK YOU! matt
Hi Matt... as requested pls to find the revision, put the lowercase for letter "e" and adding some shadow under... do you think the shadow was in the right position?
on the drop shadow, I'm thinking in terms of making it look like it's floating off the page as opposed to the house floating off the ground. I think we're going to be good to go here, but let's see it without shadowed corners and drop shadowed as if it's floating off the ground. Also let me see it with the words "collateral pool" in blue matching the blue of the house. GREAT JOB!