You're making it tough, because I like elements of multiple ones you've submitted. On #18, would it be possible to change the font to Bank Gothic, lose the italics and have the letters follow the curve of the ribbon? I also like this one because we focus on pistol training and not so much the rifle training.
You definitely "get" what we're going after. I'm curious, the gun you've used in these is a 1911 style weapon, is there any chance you could change it to a Glock? I know it seems minor, but they are very different in the world of weapons.
Also, 31, 19 & 4: these look great in plain print, but on more detailed printing and the web they feel flat. Without ruining what you've done so far, can you give me some depth with gradients or some other effect? I guess I'm having a hard time explaining. These would look great if they were embroidered, but in printed material I'd like a bit more. Am I making sense?
Hi, just make the modifications you requested. Changed the gun to a Glock silhouette, and uploaded a "beautified" version of the 1st ranked logo. Hope you like it. If you want to see any other change please let me know. Thank you.
Hi, I tried to fulfill your request, combining the circle logo with the shooting man. I tried not to add too many effects (like gradients, etc,) because I fear it will cause trouble when it comes to print it. Hope you like them.
I really like 125 and 127. I'm arguing with my business partner about the logo all day.
On 125, could you replace the pistol with a fleur-de-lis and the wording "Indoor Shooting Range" around the bottom to "Louisville, Kentucky" or "Louisville, KY" whichever fits best? Then the wording around the top of the circle could be something like "Training - Gear - Indoor Range"
Hi, I made the changes as requested and submitted a few more, starting from your suggestions. Hope you like them. If you need to see any other change you just need to ask. Thank you.
This is currently my favorite. Can I do a couple of revisions? Can we take the larger size font like on #133 and put it on #135? I like the way it overlaps the circle. We may also need to dump the flur-de-lis if there isn't room. OR, maybe zoom in on the flur-de-lis so that it's bigger and cutoff. Like you're seeing the middle of the emblem or something.
I know they were my suggestions, but I like the new ones even less. They look neat, but there's simply too much going on in the logos. With the target, the wording, the name of the company, the person and the flur-de-lis, it's just too much.
Can you simplify it? I'm thinking we can use the wording as a tag line underneath and not have it in the logo itself. That way the shooter can be bigger and the TG&G can be bigger. For example, #135, eliminate the outer red ring so the shooter is bigger and make TG&G a lot bigger.
Also, can you give me something rectangle but with all the same ideas? Like #30 but without the pistols and with the shooter? Something that could be made into a 2"x3" patch.
I really appreciate your patience, we're getting there. My partners and I just haven't seen one where we say "That's it!"
OK, I am really liking 149. It is so much cleaner and simpler. Could I see it without the flur-de-lis and without the white border on the inside of the black target? Just take the red all the way out to the edge.
I also really like 152. Could you reverse the black and white? Make the background white and the letters black like you did on 149.