Hi Jelomimbs - thank you for your entries. I really like the concepts here for the image. Its simple, but very creative. I like the font used, but would like to see 'Marketing' widened and slightly larger. Not larger than Trumbull, but more visible. Also like to see Marketing in green. I am not sure if\how you could incorporate a litte color to the image and make it work, but I'd certainly be open to it. I also wonder if the image still works if it was a little thicker/bolder.
I don't however, like the orange versions - mainly because the image is lost in all that color around the image. # 35 & #36
Thanks again and look forward to additional submissions!
Hi, Thanks for the feedbacks. Here updates of the designs.. With Marketing more wider, larger and in green. Also add variations, with adding a little color (green) in image. Hope you like it..
i like the basic design used in #36 & #35 than what you did later. I do like the green incorporated in your more recent submissions like #48, however, and the font size
Hi, Thanks for the rank and feedbacks. Here you go, The first design with green Marketing : #71 and #72, also add variation in image #73 Add revisions from previous design.. Here i want to show you the Bull Image, There you cand find "T" forming the horn and nose and "M" as bulls cheek.. Hope you can recognize that, and like that too.. :) Heres the variations: #74 #75 #76 #77 #78 and #79.