Good morning Fu Chu! Appreciate the fantastic ranking! Can you be somewhat more specific on the colors please... i mean there are millions of them... and on this specific design you can use all of them! ;)
well i just need to see it in what ever you think looks good, it will decide the color of the website, so give it your best, i dont want to look like another telecoms color scheme, so try to stay away from colors used by 02, vodaphone, bt, talk talk, etc
#79 Can you please change the purple to more of a shade like #90 Also with the logo, I like the way you have combined the letter 'T' and 'C' could you please try to change the 'C' into maybe a vibrant yellow or grey (same grey as the 'connect' colour)
#139 picked this one as the winner. Can we have a few different variations of the logo please, one as it is, one with the logo centered above the text and a few different close shades of the same colours used so we can best match it to the website. Can you also send the image in all major formats including .PSD and vector.