Thanks Bennet... These are looking good... could youtry putting the elements in order soil, grass, and sky at the top...have the mud dripping down the bottom... only thing I'm thinking is this isn't really painting a picture of an outdoor escape...I like it but maybe just cause its awsome...hmmmm let me see the rearrange of color....Thanks
Thanks for the rearrange, can you try using the green lettered Terra in there, I'm not sure if I'm diggin' the clouds, do you have any different clouds, Also can we try a more solid print for the text, this one looks refective Good work
I have been getting some feedback saying that we need to make it more professional looking, thus getting rid of the mud perhaps. I would also be open to a new concept with or without the slogan.
Hey Bennet, thanks for the extra work... I think I really like the #3, one of the originals with the two color "Terrascapes"
Could you please show me some options for the corners... all rounded, all squared, and some Designers picks.
Maybe one with a border of some sort so that it will not blend in on my dark green truck, I think I would like the mud to go over the border, "move the border to back"
Thanks Bennet, Sorry for the run around, I knew something was going to far and I think there was just too many color, especially when the truck color gets thrown in there too.
Don't worry about any stones, just for with the consept of #3 with your expert opinion on making this logo Bangin'
I thought of something...this is in addition to the above not a substitute.
I want to see the logo turned into a box with the name at the bottom for #3. Yes this would leave some unused space in the box
Also try it in reverse green box, brown bottom, I think the box can add some kinda branding image that would be put in someones mind with the extra space of the box
If you can maybe put a new slogan under one that says "LIVE Outside the box" - I just thought of this and might like it...Let me sleep on it...
Added dark green background to show what it will look like with the truck color. Also, the color can be removed on will, just used that to show the version with the white border background. I hope you like this one.
I'm not sure I understand what you want me to do for this part of the design:
"I thought of something...this is in addition to the above not a substitute.
I want to see the logo turned into a box with the name at the bottom for #3. Yes this would leave some unused space in the box
Also try it in reverse green box, brown bottom, I think the box can add some kinda branding image that would be put in someones mind with the extra space of the box" ----- Could you please try elaborating on this one? Thanks!
I like the design of #49...Can you try a light green border like, the same color as the green at the bottom.
For the square box, Just increase the size on the y axis, make it taller so that the height is equal to the width, I would like to see this in green aswell, with Terra in Brown, and scapes in white>
Thanks Bennet, Everything looks great, I must head out to get some ZZZzzzzzs but I will pick something soon... If you think a slight color change to the green would look better with bright red, throw that up there. You have a good eye for this kinda stuff, thanks.
I tried toning down the green in the two previous versions #91 and #90, but I think that the brighter green has a better contrast with the dark brown. Otherwise, the darker shade of green seems to blend more with the brown, and that wouldn't look as nice. Thanks again for helping out with so much of this design, I really appreciate it!
Hello, I am just wondering what you would want me to change to get my logo back in first place. I really would like to know. If my logo was placed in first, I could make any revisions that you like. Thanks again!