submit design.. I always welcome for any comments, feedback & request.. If you like my concept just ask me, I'll upgrading my design as soon.. regards, ::zie::
We would like to select your design as the winnner but want a few other color combos that will work better for outdoor billboard advertising. We like the different colors between words, just need some stronger colors. If you can provide, we will choice you as the winner. Please advise.
This entry is going to be our winner. We are just seeking a few other color sets to review. I hate to be a pain but is that possible? If so, thank you.
zie, is it possible for you to call to discuss color combos? if so, i am at 414-375-0521. I would like your imput and it may be faster to discuss verbally rather than typing back and forth. I am not always at my office, so it is difficult to check this often enough. Thanks