Crinmson, I really like your clean lines and use of color in #53 above. The motion in #35 is good but I found the white squares too much, how about you? I appreciate your work, thank you. This is important to my company and will look again at lunch to see more employee input, Ingrid
Crimson, The ranking #1 for me is youor design #53, could you add a bit of green shade into hte light blue on the side of the light hoiuse like you have in #35 please? It is a more teal color?
Please feel free to ask for your desired color, I'm currently using a dark navy blue with the overall design + cyan in some lighter blue shade & chartreuse (green).
#53 is my first choice, but I still like the lighthouse color only seen in #34 The solid beam and everything in #53 is perfect, can you just put the "teal" green color like in #34 please?
updates are up with: #75 - #76 - #77 - #78 I wasn't sure with the last request in #34 the green color in square? Thank you for your support & guide please continue in your assist to make your logo perfect. :)
Thank you, this update is good. Can you please include the standard contest files:
color JPG in the different resolutions of the design now rated as #1 which is entry #76 the black and white design which I have ranked #2 which is #73 solid color jpg high resolution jpg
Can you please include 1 color PNG of #1 Nice JOB! Congratulations ! Ingrid
Good day, certainly I'll give you the needed files & formats you need for the logo. You can choose 1 entry for the winner I'll then prepare the files for your email & logotournament standard file.
Good day, certainly I'll give you the needed files & formats you need for the logo. You can choose 1 entry for the winner I'll then prepare the files for your email & logotournament standard file.