I would like to rank this...but I can't due to that Apple tm. Like I said, I really like the text portion of your logo...as well as the 3-dot arrow effect you have coming off the left of the 't'.
Can you use a different shade of green on #173? I'm thinking of the color used on #142 and #42. Also, I'm liking the choice of an iPod image as part of the symbol. Is there a way for you to position that any differently? I'd like to see as many ways as possible. Please keep #174 as it is at this point -- I'd like to use that as an original reference point.
Are there any other ideas for the symbol??? Too bad we can't keep the silver apple. :) but we can't!
I'm actually not committed to any of the symbols on the logo just yet. Actually, this goes for all the designers. Anyway, I looked around all day and finally found what would be the perfect symbol for my logo! The concept is a button with a Refresh symbol in the center. That button beautifully captures what TechReBuy is all about. You can see a representation of this button here on http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/20432194/2/stock-illustration-20432194-rotate-high-detailed-web-button-collection.jpg The large one, or the one at the bottom-left corner. Would you try to mock-up something similar to these and then use that as the new symbol? Please let me know. Thanks! -Brian
Thanks again for the feedback and also for your share ideas, Sir.. I will try my best to mock-up similar concept as you mentioned..will upload it soon when I'm done it. Regards