Wow. I think this has great potential. (#52, #53) I wasn't sure how I would like a mascot for a logo, but this is very well done. I really like the design.
The blue I think detracts from the idea of the guys being fire. However, what if you were to make their bodies another color, like a dark charcoal gray, black, blue, or green (like trench coats) and their head in flames.
I really like the new look of the burnup guy. Now what can we do about the font on the name? I really like the font on charcoals logo (#57). I think it would look nice with this logo as well. Also, I like the variation in the color on the font, but I would like to see it all lower case.
Can I see #52 but with some color variation on the flame guys? Like the flames on #75, it goes from dark to light. Don't take away #52, as I still would like it as a point of reference. But I would like to see what the color variation would do. Thanks.
Your work is great! I think you have been very helpful and responsive to suggestions and nailed them right on the head. Of course I will be making my decision over the next 3 days. I appreciate all of your efforts.