Team MousePlanetLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Team MousePlanet

Team MousePlanet has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 66 designs from 14 different designers from around the world.
















We really like the icon you've created here, we're just discussing which presentation we like best between #23 and #24. I especially like the way you've taken the crescent from the wordmark and incorporated it into the icon.
12 years ago
After more discussion, we still like the icon, but some feel it doesn't convey the "fun" and "community" aspects as well as we are hoping. It looks more like a logo for a sportwear company or competitive race team. Our team members are not elite athletes and are involved in running and walking Disney races. We definitely can't use Disney images or icons, but would like the logo to be a bit more playful.
12 years ago
I think we're all in agreement that #23 is our winner. We have one request for the final logo, and that is to have MousePlanet recreated using our logo font. It appears that you edited the crescent out of the wordmark, which left the curve evident in the "P" MousePlanet is all one word with an inner cap P, so there should be no space between the "e" and the "P."

Thank you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
thank for your feedback, please see my new entry #63 #64, feel free for any comment

kindly regard
12 years ago
Hi Ketut,

Thank you for fixing the kerning. The additional concern is that the silhouette of the crescent is still visible in the "P" We would like the P to be a solid letter, without the crescent outline. I'm not sure if I'm describing it correctly.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
ok than please see entry #65 #66 for solid "P", comment are welcome
12 years ago
Hi Ketut,

We think these are the final tweaks to logo #66:

- The kerning on team is really tight. We'd like the letters spaced a bit more to reduce potential bleed when silkscreened or embroidered.
- The placement of the top and bottom bars is uneven: right now, the top bar is closer to the text than the bottom bar.
- Can you round the right end ends of the top and bottom bars to better reflect the shape of the icon?
12 years ago
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