Team Georgia Girls WrestlingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Team Georgia Girls Wrestling

Team Georgia Girls Wrestling has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 34 designs from 3 different designers from around the world.




























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Prefers others.


Thanks for your entry. I do like the way that Logo #6 snaps out at you, but try to incorporate the State Emblem (Shape of Georgia) in your design and find a new action pose for the wrestling girls. The sample pic that we provided (USA-2.jpg) shows 2 girls in a Freestyle move called a Suplex. They also need to be in wrestling singlets not Judo pants.

14 years ago
I really like where you are going with the new logos especially #8. Good action with the girls. Shorten the girl's hair and replace the "Georgia Emblem". Our group is a member of Team Georgia Wreslting. Here is a link to our main website. at the top left of the banner is the Team Georgia Logo and the top right is the USA Wrestling Logo. The Team Georgia Logo was taken from the USA logo if you can tell. This is what I was refering to when I meant State Emblem. We are trying to get something much better than what they have going right now. Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I understand you perfectly. i just tried to avoid use of Georgia shape which is
pretty compact and nice if you want. say, to protect your borders.
But when it comes to design its kind of dull and hard melting.
But I promise - from now on Georgia will be on my mind.
As for the hair I know they are too "handy" if it comes to fight.
But can't help it - I'm a male and bald as a knee so I have to love them.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I preserved colors from your old logo keeping it
all girlish as can be and remembering Eastwood's
"don't train girlies"

(This comment references Entry #13)
14 years ago
I like Entry #13 very much. I like the use of the facial features in Entry #15. Can you work to get more detail like that in the design? Shoes, Faces, etc. I definatley agree with you on the Girly colors in Entry #13 I like more than Entry #15.

Good job!!
14 years ago
Also I would like to see if you can make the girls more realistic and not so "Barbie" like.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I added them shoes and put some more muscle -
let's hope girls don't get it wrong.
Anyway if you want me to add even more
just tell me - I don't have to do pull ups.

(This comment references Entry #16)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Added some shadow features to make possible
one color print on t-shirts etc.

(This comment references Entry #24)
14 years ago
Hello, and congratulations on keeping the #1 spot. Here are some final instructions on presenting the final logo for judging. Please use your logo #27 to make the changes to that we are requesting. We like the wording font's that you used there.

1. Reverse the Team Georgia Girls and slogan to where the Team Georgia Girls Wrestling is at the top and the slogan is at the bottom.
2. This logo will strictly be used on our website and publication materials, so go all out on the color and facial features of the girls in the logo (Reference logo #23 by heru as an example).
3. Please tone down the bottom girl's upper body muscles a little bit. They now look a little on the manly side.
4. Could you put some corn-braids on the top girl's head for her hairdo instead of the long flowing hair?

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
I've modified colors and shades. Now this is more like an illustration
than simple logo so I uploaded large scale copy to my server to let you
judge details. You can find it at:
Tinkering with full colors isn't that easy when you want to maintain
consistency of graphic style but I still have one color version in case
you need simple say, t-shirt print.
It's getting late here so I will submit all requested revisions

(This comment references Entry #29)
14 years ago
Wow. These changes look great. (Entry #29, #30, #31 and #32). I like the contrast in hair color between the girls in Entry #32, so that is why I have it ranked 1st. I would once we are done I would like the one or two color version you said you have for t-shirt prints as well.

Last changes:
1. Could you reposition so that the top girl's hand is not covering up the Girl's Wrestling so much.
2. The wording on the slogan needs to read:

I am Team Georgia Girl's Wrestling...
We can do more than just sit in the stands!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks to using solid colors muscle shading this design is fairy easy to
rework into one/two color version like entry #26.
I can provide it - we are obliged to do this if required by CH.

(This comment references Entry #34)
14 years ago
Congratulations on being the winner in our contest. Can you send me a couple of sample 1 and 2 color designs based on the winning design? We are going to order t-shirts and need it in the next day to submit the order.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for choosing my design.
I've just uploaded two required files to logotournament.
One color file I'm sending directly to your email.

I will send you more files including source Corel Draw file
tomorrow because this is very late here in Poland - 2 a.m.

Thank you.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
I tried to send you file to your email
(this site engine lets only to upload two required files)
but i got answer from server - there is no such domain,
so please give me some other email address and I will resend tomorrow..
14 years ago
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