I'd like to thank you for your two designs that were submitted for the logo contest. I know few looked at my bio and saw that I'm barefoot running doctor but that's probably why your designs were put in the top 25 yet didn't exactly conform to the recommendations of the briefing.
I certainly like your designs however I'm not sure if they're going to win this contest, they may spark some inspiration in me to have a contact you in the future to develop a logo for the barefootrunningdoctor.com when I develop that site more extensively. I hope this is not in any violation of the rules of the logo tournament contest by saying this.
but what's going to happen is that those who submit logos that are actually more along the same lines of the briefing or have a better chance to win this contest for the overall team doctors logo. What I might suggest is that you try a simple design that shows some way of symbolically representing the human body on the end of its launches its descending to the ground pulled by gravity, elastic Lee recoiling off of the ground over the team doctors words
How's that for a symbolic representation of what I'm looking for?
I like your logos as I mentioned before however you do want to win the money in the contest so maybe you can submit some new and logos that are simple that will conform to the briefing that was presented.
Thank you so much for your effort and I'm looking forward to your new designs :)
FYI, only top 5 designers will be able to submit new design in the 'top 5 phase'. If you like, you can shuffle the ranking so that I can submit new design.
I want to thank you for your logo design. As you recall I mentioned that this logo may not suit the Team Doctors brand but it may work for a blog Im doing, www.barefootrunningdoctor.com
I would like to know what you would like for this logo but also I need you to put in the Barefoot Running Doctor words as part of the logo and give me the contracts and files the same way as a winner of the contest.