We like your design - especially the image. Thank you for that. The font of the phrase doesn't feel right for us though. Any chance of looking at some more variations of the font - ones that are more fun, colourful that we have seen in other designs.
I have extend the contest as I would really like to see your variations. Please note that we are looking to make a final decision on Wednesday afternoon (USA time) so let me know if you can get something in for consideration.
I like the logo from the first one #40 and the font from #44. Now I am not sure about the colours of the phrase. I would like to see 1 or 2 of the words in Green. What do you think. Maybe Take (O) the (O) Doctor (G) Home (B)
Because your contest is now in judging mode, only the 1st ranked designer may submit new entries. I`m ready to submit the revision you requested so please place my design #40 in the first place (temporarily). Thank you.
Our current favourite is #58 and I think we will go with your design. I would like to see a variation with the leaves pointing the other way (pointing clockwise) as this signifies forward motion to us.
Another question - what are the dimensions of the logo you have (height relative to width). I think we are going to use it on a banner that is 70 pixels high so I'm keen to know the width.