Tacos Don ChechoLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Tacos Don Checho
Tacos Don Checho has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 124 designs
from 15 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Los mejores tacos del Mundo ( the best in the world)
What We Do
This is a restaurant in Monterrey, Mexico that will offer , tacos!. Steam tacos in particular. Service hours will be from 8am to 3pm , it is focused to please office workers of the area, students and public in general . Price range are low since this is a typcal breakfast or lunch in Mexico.
Color Preferences
Orange, Red, Yellow, Green , Little White
Our Ideas & Additional Information
On my last trip to New York , i notice that NY Delis have a standard way of Store front signs , please navegate a little on the web.
Also elements like quality , flavor and price are a factor
Old but classy font are appreciated
**Please check the attachment document for a more detailed explanation of what we are looking for and the reference images.
Also elements like quality , flavor and price are a factor
Old but classy font are appreciated
**Please check the attachment document for a more detailed explanation of what we are looking for and the reference images.