Well, definitely a fantastic first round of submissions.
Lets first get to the logos we aren't in favour of.....
#100 and #101 are not in favour in their current symmetry, but the symmetry of #108 is interesting, although we are not 100% sure of what the icon is stating.
#102 is less impressive than your others, and we like the cog coupled with the light bulb in #103, but this has been further enhanced with #107, which we think is very interesting.
#106 is a little undefined in regards to icon. We are not sure what it actually is.
But then comes your best designs, #104 and #105 are great. Great idea of the "T" in the icon coupled with the arrow. We like #105 over #104 as the colours seem to work better. It would be interesting to see variations on this.
Thanks for your submissions, hope our comments help!